53.3:"I am a nightmare".

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She clicks her tongue to the side of her cheeks as her father screamed at her head for changing her mind last minute.

Well, that is exactly what she intended to do.

"Can't you tell him like a few hours before?" Her husband whispers, as he sits looking at her father losing his mind

"That's won't be fun". She said, shrugging, "Also, don't be nice to anyone. I don't even care enough about them".

"What do you have against them?"

"Try living with them. You will know".

"What will we say to Dayna's in-law? How will we answer their questions? You didn't even wear the dress I bought for you instead you went ahead with a similar suit to Dayna". Her mother cried as usual

She cringes, "I never copied Dayna's clothes. What is wrong with you? I didn't even see her clothes".

He knows that is true because he bought her the wedding dress. She has no idea where he got them and what he chooses for her. He took care of all that.

"You are always jealous of her because we love her". Her father snapped

She clenches her hands, "I said I didn't know about her clothes. You pushed me out of the way when you were preparing for her. I didn't even know she was getting married, to begin with".

"Shut up". Her father said angrily

She feels her chest tightened as she moves out of the house to stand in the garden. She was done. She bends on her knees as she tries to normalize her breathing.

"Are you ok?" He asked, sitting in front of her looking at her concerned

"Do I look ok to you?" She snapped, as she places a hand over her chest, "I will be ok".

"Can I help?"

"No. And don't even think about touching me. You will make it worse".

"Just sit down". He said, lightly pushing her shoulder, "Think of something good".

"Something good?" She asked, confused, "I can't remember".


She closes her eyes, trying to remember the time she must have felt some good emotions.

"I bought this one for you". Her mother said smiling at her six years old self

She took the toy from her, running to her room to play with it. She likes toys. She rarely gets toys, but she loves playing with them. They are her only friend. She continued to play by herself for hours when she heard the door opening.

She found Dayna (4) standing there, looking at her toy.

"Want". Dayna said, trying to take her toy away

"No. Go away". She said, moving back to hide her toy

This continued for hours until her mother heard the shouting.

"I don't want to give it. It's mine". She cried as her mother snatched her toy

"Don't be a child, Dalila. It's just a toy. You are older. You need to act like that". Her mother snapped as she continued to protest against it, "I told you to learn to share. Look at how happy your sister looks".

"I am not happy. I want my toy".

"Don't be selfish, Dalila. She is young. She needs you".

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