57.3:"Nothing can come between You&I"

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I can't help myself these two are just too precious 😭. Also the way they act around each other. Someone get them married, please. Oh shit! I am supposed to do that. Damn.

All in the due time. Imagine that I published this chapter next day, lol. I might not publish tomorrow since its double update.

See you! Also pray for me cause I got flu and it sucks.


"Why are you laughing?" He asked irritated because the man he has worked with before seem to be in a never-ending circle of laughing which seems more of mocking towards her

And he respects her. He wouldn't have anyone in front of him at least disrespectful her in any way. He had given straight instructions to everyone who is involved to respect her and be resourceful.

"It doesn't matter". She said and her tone was emotionless, "My team will coordinate further with him".

He didn't miss how she mentioned Zaheer and the bitterness in her tone. She turns away from them as she continues her way towards the other side. He finds her body shaking lightly and he clenches his hands.

"What do you think you are doing?" He snapped and Zaheer straighten himself, "I had clear instructions that no one will disrespect her and you dare to laugh at her face".


"I don't care about your apology or your excuses. If you dare to do anything that I find disrespectful in the slightest way towards her. You will be fired and I know for a fact that all your income is connected to the projects I give you".

He didn't care how cruel he sounded. He needed to set the man straight. Somehow even if the women shouts for themselves, their voices always fell deaf on men. But when those cowardly men are faced by someone their own size, that's a different story.

When she went away after spending the weekend he saw how relaxed his mother and Sophia were. Sophia was just simply asking for all kinds of butterflies and sheep as she continued to colour while his mother had praises for her- which was rare. His mother was a wise woman. He had learned most of the things from her. So when she continued to praise her even when she did nothing but observe and draw, he knows he will forever respect her.

"Help". He heard a small voice say beside him and he found Sophia shaking him

Oh, he remembers.

This morning his mother asked him about his day and he might have accidentally mentioned Sheila and Sophia was after his head. She continued to whine that she wants to meet her today no matter what. After persuading her with almost everything they can offer, he decided to bring her with him.

He holds her in his arms smiling, "Should we go to Sheila now?"

"Sheila". Sophia said, nodding

He smiles ruffling her hair as she frowns at him. He walks through the broken cement towards the backyard where she was busy talking to the team and her whole demeanour was something so strong. He smiles as he Sophia ran towards her.

She feels someone wrapping around her legs as she almost lost her balance. She looks down and her eyes widen looking at Sophia. She bends down collecting her in his arms.

"What are you doing here, baby?" She asked smiling as she moves her hair out of her face

"She wanted to meet you". He said smiling as he walks to them, "I did everything to stop her but she wouldn't listen".

"I am so sorry. Is it because of me?"

"No. She is just attached to you. It's not because of you. I don't mind bringing her".

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