𝐂𝐡𝐚𝐩𝐭𝐞𝐫 𝟏

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The soft wind tousled his hair as he sat on the balcony, staring out ahead at the meadow. He raised the cup gently to his lips, sighing in satisfaction as the hot coffee warmed his shivering body. Without coffee, William didn't think he would be able to function in the mornings.

    He continued to drink his coffee and stared down at the meadow. He would undoubtedly be shaking later. He knew he would regret it, but coffee was hard to resist. The nice boost of caffeine was always a welcome bonus.

    "Will," his mother chimed. He quickly turned his head, rushing inside and carelessly placing his mug in the sink. It clattered against the other dishes and William flinched, smiling sheepishly as his mother as she winced.

His mother had remained the same. Never changing. Same rules, same habits. Same everything, really. He certainly didn't expect her too. She was a vampire after all, and she had looked the same since William had been a baby.

    "Hey Mom" he greeted. She responded with a bright smile, staring at him with a look he knew too well.

    "First day of school" she cheered, but in a way that was so her that he had to bite back a chuckle.

    He sighed and shook his head, feigning annoyance as a quiet laugh escaped his lips. "It's not fair," he protested. "You look the same age as me yet you don't have to go to school."

    Bella smiled, shaking her head. "I've had my fair share of school" she murmured. William would ask her about some more stories later. She was an awkward teenager as he had heard.

    "I'm sure it wasn't enjoyable" he muttered. Bella only nodded in response. "Judging by your response" he added as his lips curled into a smirk.

School. It brought unwelcome thoughts to say the least. Intrusive thoughts were a bitch, but at least anxiety helped you be prepared for every silly situation. Although, it had only come in handy once or twice. Better than nothing, he supposed.

    "What is it?" Bella questioned. Her brow was creased; a telltale sign of her concern.

    He sighed and hesitated once more before voicing his outrageous thought. "What if the Cullens are there?" he asked, shifting awkwardly on the balls of his feet.

    His mother's expression darkened. Her shoulders were stiff and there was a far away look on her face as her gaze drifted to the floor.

    Seeing her expression, he quickly responded, regret filling his chest. "I mean, you don't have to answer that question. It was just a simple thou-"

    She interrupted him. "If they are there then-" she paused. "Give them a shock," she said, shrugging awkwardly. It was so reminiscent of his childhood that it made his heart clench. Everyday she reminded him that she was the same as she was. The same as she died.

    "Give them a shock?" he slowly repeated back to her.

    "Might as well," his mother answered nonchantly, shrugging her shoulders like this was a casual conversation, but it was far from it.


"Good," his mother answered before looking down and checking her watch. Why did she wear that anyway?

    "Is it time for school?" William already knew that answer.

"Yeah," she answered, rising from her seat on the couch and patting his shoulder.

    "School is so boring. I don't see the need to repeat it over and over again," he protested, his voice almost sounding like a whine. He always could try.

    "You still have a lot to learn," Bella answered, her face showing that she wasn't going to be argued with. Classic mother look. Or move. She was so stubborn sometimes. A blessing and a curse.

    "So do you" he shot back, knowing that he was testing his limits.

"William..." she began.

"Alright, alright," he said, raising his hands in surrender as he made his way for the door, but as he stood in front of the door, he cleared his throat and spun around. "One last thing. What did the vampire die of?"

    Bella tilted her head and narrowed her eyes. When William didn't back down, she sighed in defeat and indulged him. "What?"

    "Boredom" he deadpanned. "Because they had to go to school."

His mother's eyes twinkled with amusement and a small smile betrayed her, but she bit her lip as she led him out the door. "Alright, just go. You have to get to school"

William grinned at the small victory, his grin growing as she handed him their car keys with a fond smile on her face. He smiled back and shifted his backpack on his shoulder as he walked towards their garage, but his steps slowed as he saw the garage was empty. He turned his head in confusion, but his smile softened as he saw the car parked on their gravel driveway. His favorite.

He flung open the driver's door and threw his backpack into the passenger's seat carelessly, shoving the keys in the ignition and glancing back at his mother. A proud smile was on her face along with an undecipherable look on her face. There was one thing that was for sure: Bella Swan was a proud mother, and a damn good one too in William's opinion.

    The engine roared to life and William smiled at his mother. He hoped she could see it. He revved the engine of the car and laughed as he heard his mother's voiced protests. Jacob and his mother shared a passion for cars. He drove out of the driveway, coming to a stop before the familiar right turn. He could see the sign in the distance: Forks High School in twenty miles. He checked for incoming traffic, pulling into the right lane and sighing softly as he pressed his foot on the gas pedal, leaving his house in the dust and making his way towards Forks High School: the place where Bella Swan, his mother, had formally gone and had fallen in love with Edward Anthony Cullen, her lost love and her death.

    He was definitely not looking forward to this . . .

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