𝐂𝐡𝐚𝐩𝐭𝐞𝐫 𝟏𝟓

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William tapped his pencil against the wooden desk, ignoring the chatter of the students and the ticking of the clock. It was just mindless background noise to his ears. 

"William, are you okay?" Edward questioned, his velvety voice smooth. 

William swallowed. "Yeah, I'm fine"

Edward looked at him uncertainly before turning back and looking at his work, scribbling on his paper. His handwriting was elegant and neat, showing years of practice. 

"You have very nice handwriting" William complimented. 

Edward gave him a small smile. "Thank you. You have quite the handwriting yourself."

William shrugged. "Not as good as yours."

"I've practiced for a while" Edward answered, a small smirk on his face at the underlying meaning. 

William nodded, understanding his meaning and smiling slightly. Once you got to know him, Edward wasn't so bad. He had a few flaws and William still held a grudge, but he wasn't half-bad. 

William sighed, ignoring Mr. Alder's chalk rhythmically clicking as he drew on the board. William's senses were growing frantic and increased. William clenched and unclenched his fist, relaxing his tensed shoulders. He let out an internal sigh of relief as he saw that class was almost over. Just a few more minutes . . . 

The bell finally rung, echoing throughout the halls.

"Class dismissed." Mr. Alder shouted, turning his attention back to the board. 

William shot up from his seat, grabbing his backpack and slinging it over his shoulders, making his way towards the lunchroom. 


William spun around, meeting Edward. Again. 

"What is it Edward?" he asked impatiently. 

Edward gave him a small smile. "Would you like to sit with me and my family at lunch?"

William hesitated. "Sure" he replied.

Edward gave him a relieved smile. "I can walk you there"

William smiled slightly at the man's enthusiasm. "Be my guest."

Edward smiled and walked towards the lunchroom besides Edward, ignoring the student's prying glances. He leaned closely to Edward and whispered in his father's ear. 

"You think they could be less obvious."

Edward chuckled and shrugged. "That's just teenagers"

William hummed in agreement, stopping in front of the cafeteria doors. 

Edward gave him a reassuring smile. "Don't be worried. We don't bite."

William grinned, brushing off Edward's look of confusion. 

Edward opened the cafeteria doors, walking towards a table where four people were seated. Alice, Jasper, Emmett and Rosalie. This must be his father's side of the family. 

Edward pulled out a seat for William, motioning for him to sit in it. William sat down tentatively, giving the family a small smile. 

"This is William" Edward introduced, staring at his family. 

"Hello, William. I'm Jasper" Jasper greeted. 

William gave him a small smile, trying not to lose control. It was their fault. Their fault that Bella, his mother, was tortured and then later turned into a vampire. It was difficult keeping composure. 

"Would you like to sit down?" Alice questioned. 

"Sure" William replied, relaxing. Alice's enthusiasm was easy to be around, perhaps that why she was so likable. 

William sat down in the seat, shifting on the uncomfortable chair. He sat there for a while, zoning out as Alice chatted with Jasper enthusiastically. Jasper wore a goofy grin on his face, affected by the pixie's enthusiasm. William smiled as he watched them, seeing the love and adoration they held for each other. 

"I think I'm going to be sick" Emmett mumbled, observing Alice and Jasper and crossing his arms over his chest. Rosalie sent Emmett a small glare, an annoyed look on her face. 

"Emmett" she scolded. 

Emmett groaned, causing William to laugh softly, hearing William's laughter, Emmett's smile grew and he seemed to have a burst of confidence. "You sound just like Esme."

Rosalie let out a huff of annoyance, copying Emmett's position, a small smirk on her face. Rosalie was obviously amused by Emmett's antics, although, William knew that Rosalie had always preferred being human. That was at least what Edward told Bella. That could've been a lie as well. William held a strong dislike for the Cullen's yet here he was, sitting and enjoying their company. He was disgusted that he enjoyed it, knowing their true colors. 

"Aren't you hungry, William?" Edward questioned, breaking the boy out of his thoughts. 

William shook his head. "No. I'm not hungry."

Edward nodded reluctantly, starting a small conversation with William. They chatted and chatted until the bell rang, signaling that it was time for another class. 

"Great." William mumbled. "We have class." William dragged a hand over his face, ignoring girl's curious stares. Why were they staring? He tilted his head in confusion as he noticed Alice walking towards him, an animated expression on her face. 

"What is it, Alice?" William asked politely.

"Haven't you heard?" she questioned, her face morphing in disappointment. "There is a dance and girl's have to ask the boys. You can bring a special someone."

William's eyes widened in utmost horror. That's why most of the girls were staring at him, they wanted to ask him to the dance. William groaned, his eyes widened in horror. He had heard his mother's stories and it seemed as if he was experiencing Bella's high school experience. How was he going to survive?

"William" Alice asked, her expression holding concern. "Are you alright?" 

"Nope" he replied, turning on his heels and walking towards his final class. "Shit . . ."

𝐀 𝐅𝐮𝐭𝐮𝐫𝐞 𝐀𝐡𝐞𝐚𝐝 | 𝐓𝐰𝐢𝐥𝐢𝐠𝐡𝐭 (slow updates)Where stories live. Discover now