𝐂𝐡𝐚𝐩𝐭𝐞𝐫 𝟑𝟖

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Seth and William's lips met and it was all that William had ever dreamed of and more, but a part of it felt wrong. Seth had lied to him for so long . . .

Fireworks exploded throughout William's body and he felt as if he was on fire, his heart pounding in his chest. It was the closest thing he had ever felt to bliss. It was just Seth and William. It was all that William had ever wanted, yet he couldn't help but feel the stinging pain of heartache. All those months and Seth had never told him. 

William was the first to pull away, taking a short moment to catch his breath before speaking. "Why?" he asked in a hushed whisper. 

Seth lowered his eyes to the ground and had the decency to look ashamed. "I didn't want to lose you."

"How could you?" William replied. 

Seth let out a breath of relief and smiled. William couldn't help but smile back at the boy. 

William grimaced as he felt a throbbing pain skull and winced as he rubbed his hand over his forehead.

"Are you alright, William?"

"I mean you could have told me, couldn't you?"

"William, I thought-"

"You thought?" he mocked. "Or were you just too scared, Seth?"

"William, I'm-" Seth began.

"Admit it!" William shouted before shoving the boy harshly. 

William ignored the sound of pounding of feet against the ground. He knew it was Paul, but in an instant, William found himself pinned to the ground. Paul hovered above him, a fire burning in his eyes.

"What is it, Paul?"

Paul shook for a moment before growling. In the place of Paul was a silver wolf. William rolled away from the man--now wolf--and stared at him before standing up and brushing the dirt off of his pants.

"Come on, Paul," he yelled. 

Paul quickly charged at William and William quickly ducked under the leaping wolf before delivering a quick punch to the wolf's ribs. 

"All you got," he taunted. 

By now, all the other wolves had heard the commotion and had gathered around William and Paul. 

William was consumed with rage. It ignited every cell in his body and he couldn't stop it. The rage fueled him and he consumed it. His mind was clouded with the fiery anger and he couldn't stop it. It controlled every thought, word, and action. 

William and Paul charged at each other, each of them consumed with rage. Paul left a deep gash on William's side while William delivered a strong punch to the sliver wolf's jaw, quickly rendering Paul unconscious. 

The wolves instantly ran towards Paul and pushed past William. William ignored the throbbing pain in his side and the blood soaking into his shirt.

William was broken out of his rage-induced stupor and he stared at the unconscious wolf with shock and guilt. "Paul, I'm sorry. I don't know what-"

"Go," Jacob said. 

Jacob's words were like a punch in the gut and William felt his breath leave his chest. William looked at the ground in shame before looking up at Seth for a moment, muttering a quick apology before running towards his Porsche and climbing inside.

"What did I just do?" 

The crushing weight of guilt filled William. Rage had taken over. He had no control. The only time that had ever happened was when . . . 

It didn't matter. William was faced with a new decision and judging by the lingering thought in the back of his mind, he had already decided. 

It's better for Seth. Seth deserved someone better. Seth would be safer. 

But William couldn't ignore the severity of his decision, but had made up his mind. 

What he was about to do . . .

William took a deep breath before pulling out of the La Push Reservation. William pressed his foot harshly against the gas, his mind set on one thing. He drove on the road for a short moment before he flew past the all too familiar sign. 

'Welcome to Forks'

"Turn back, turn back," he chanted. 

William had family. His mother. His father. His wolves. All of them were family, yet here he was, leaving them to protect Seth. 

"I'm pulling an Edward," he joked to no one in particular. 

William laughed quietly before a wave of sadness consumed. He was alone. He could just turn back. The wolves. The Cullens. His mother. Seth. They would all be there. 

William's grip tightened on the steering wheel. He wouldn't let his mind sway his decision. He wouldn't let his doubt consume him, although it lingered in the back of his mind. 

He could just explain himself. Surely, they would . . .

Admit it, William. The selfish part of you is doing this for yourself. Here's your freedom, William. 

His mind seemed to mock him as he drove to nowhere in particular. He just had to put as much distance between Forks and  himself as possible. It would take a couple of hours before they would start searching, but by the time that happened, William would already have a clear advantage. 

The other part of himself couldn't forgive himself. He had done that to Seth. All he had ever wanted was for the boy to be happy, and he had managed to screw that up, too. The pain in his side couldn't compare to the pain in his heart.

William always managed to screw things up and he hoped he wasn't making a mistake, but a part of himself knew that he was making a devastating mistake . . .

AN: Sorry about this chapter! Seth and William were so close! But I promise the next few chapters will focused on William/Seth and they shall get their happy ending . . . eventually! (We will also find out what caused William's out of character outburst.)

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