𝐂𝐡𝐚𝐩𝐭𝐞𝐫 𝟐𝟗

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William's hands were clenched around the circular steering wheel so tightly that he feared he might break it. He was a mess.

There, he admitted it. Ever since the Cullens had come, everything had gone wrong, or maybe right. William didn't care. He didn't know how to act. Edward Cullen was still his father, and a tiny bit of William's heart felt pity for the man. William could see that he used to love Bella, and it was painful to watch. Edward Cullen didn't know he had a son. William had to act like a stranger, a stranger who knew almost everything about the Cullens. Every. Single. Thing. William sometimes wondered if it was all a facade, a trick to lure humans in.

William's mind fought with itself, going against his every instinct to run away with his mother and never come back, but yet he stayed. William didn't know why. He didn't know why he stood his ground, battled his mind.

William swallowed, pulling over to the side of the road. He slowly peeled his hands away from the steering wheel, sitting in the comfortable silence. William buried his face in his hands, letting out a sob.

His father didn't know who he was. Victoria was back. Everything had gone wrong.

William let out another sob, shaking slightly. Hot tears streamed down his face, caught by his clothing. He sobbed and sobbed, tremors shaking his body.

William cried for a long time, finally regaining composure. He swallowed, wiping the tears off his face with the back of his sleeve. 

He didn't know what to do. The Cullens had come. He cared for them and yet, another part of him loathed them. He couldn't forgive them for what they had put his mother through, but William had grown to care for the Cullens. It scared him. His mind was at a constant battle with itself.

He exhaled shakily, checking the time on his watch. He groaned as he realized it was almost curfew.

William pulled back onto the road, driving towards his house, any evidence of his breakdown gone.

A part of William was excited. He would be going to prom with Seth. William had only gone to prom once. It had been an interesting experience. He hoped that this prom would be better, although his hopes weren't high. 

William sighed, biting his lip and running a hand through his hair as he saw his house. He pulled his car to a stop, opening the car door and climbing out of the car. William walked towards the front door, pulling it open. He walked towards his room, freezing in his tracks as he heard his mother's voice. 

"How was the party, William?" Bella asked curiously. 

William swallowed. "It was good. Yeah."

Bella frowned, getting up from the couch and walking towards him. William tensed, not knowing what his mother would do. Seeing his tense posture, Bella laughed, her laugh sounding like a melodious bell ringing. 

She wrapped him in a tight hug, burying her head in her shoulder. William froze for a moment before returning her tight hug, laughing slightly. 

"What's this for?"

His mother shrugged in their embrace. "I can see when a party hasn't gone quite well."

William shook his head. "Just some things with the Cullens"

His mother tensed in their embrace but relaxed soon after. "What kind of things?"

William paused. "I saw my grandparents and had a one on one with my father."

Bella winced softly at the mention of William's father. "Was it bad?"

"No, no" William shook his head. "It was good. I just reminded him of you. That's all"

Bella frowned in confusion. "How?"

"I reminded him of the moment you both shared in the forest." William said. "When you found out he was a vampire," he added.

"Oh" Bella replied. "Why was Carlisle and Esme there?"

William shrugged. "I don't know. They might have wanted to manage the kids; make sure they didn't destroy the house."

Bella laughed slightly, burying her head further in his shoulder for a moment before pulling back to meet his eyes. 

"I love you, William" she spoke, a motherly love in her voice. 

William smiled. "I love you, Mom"

Bella smiled, pressing a chaste kiss to his forehead before walking off. "Go to bed" she joked. 

William laughed, sending her a fake salute. "Sure thing, ma'am"

Bella's laughter died down as she entered her room. William sighed fondly, staring at her bedroom door before walking into his room and collapsing on his bed. He smiled before burying his face in his pillow, letting the darkness overcome him. 

William could only hope for a normal prom . . .

𝐀 𝐅𝐮𝐭𝐮𝐫𝐞 𝐀𝐡𝐞𝐚𝐝 | 𝐓𝐰𝐢𝐥𝐢𝐠𝐡𝐭 (slow updates)Where stories live. Discover now