Return to the Balmera

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/(Y/N)'s POV/

It's been a few hours since we rescued Rory and the Blue Lion from Rolo and his team. I am grateful that they didn't tell the Glara about Rory. From what Rolo told me, they want the Prometheus's quintessence for something. Maybe that's why they all went extinct? But why have them be worth more than a planet? I'm getting ahead of myself, we're coming up on the Balmera and I need to focus on the task at hand. We're all in our casual clothing and Rory is drooped on my head, what is with him and being on my head?

Allura: "We'll be arriving at the Balmera soon. Liberating these Balmerans from Zarkon's grasp will not be easy."

(Y/N): "I didn't expect it to be. That's the thing about powerful rulers, they all have a firm grasp on their empires."

Allura: "You speak as if from a past experience."

(Y/N): "Not really. Earth's had its fair share of powerful rulers in the past, but they all eventually crumbled. Like Hittler for example. He nearly made the jewish population on Earth extinct back during World War II."

Allura: "Well, it's good to know you humans were able to remove him from power."

Lance: "So, what's the plan? We go in there and just- pow, pow, pow!" He makes finger guns and points to random spots saying pow. What is he doing? "And free the prisoners?"

Keith: "What was that noise?"

Lance: "Laser guns." What? Not even close!

Hunk: "No, Lance, I think you mean- paoo paoo!" He uses his full arm imitating a big laser gun firing. Then he raises both arms over his head and lowers them like a giant cannon and fires. "Paoo!" Honestly, that sounds like a lame version of his cannon.

Lance: "That sounds like fireworks."

Pidge: "Technically, they're more like- ba-choo, ba-choo, ba-choo!" She makes a tiny finger gun and imitates it firing at each sound effect. All of this is so stupid!

(Y/N): "That's stupid... This is what it sounds like!" I grab Rory from my head and hold him like a rifle. I have my left hand on his chest and the other holding his tail like a trigger. He looks very confused but quickly makes himself look more like a weapon. He straightens his body, brings his wings over my left hand, like a handguard, and bends his tail to form a handle. "Chqoon, chqoon, chqoon!" I imitate him being fired like a gun and he roars each time I 'fire' him. He catches on quickly. Another reason why I like this little guy.

Hunk: "Okay... that was adorable!" I put Rory back on my head and scratch his cheek, he purrs in response.

Shiro: "Okay, enough with the bad sound effects and the adorable roaring dragon. Besides it's more like- Blam, blam, blam!" He puts his cybernetic hand into a finger gun and holds it like a pistol.

Keith: "What?"

Pidge: "You're crazy."

Lance: "No way."

Hunk: "Wrong."

(Y/N): "That sounds like a gun from, like, 2148. Back when we still used lead bullets."

Allura: "Paladins, focus."

Hunk: "Besides, we can't just shoot at the Galra. This Balmera, it's, like, alive. And from what we've seen, it doesn't look very good." We look to the planet and an infrared image of the Balmera appears, it looks to be colder than that of a healthy animal. Which probably means that the Balmera is dying.

Coran: "Yes, it's an atrocity what the Galra have been doing to this grand beast. Stealing its crystals, its very life force, without ever performing the energy rejuvenation ceremonies to heal it." The screen zooms into the surface of the planet, where a mining colony is located. It's a giant hole dug deep into this beast's skin. It must be in some serious pain. The screen scans the surface and an image of two people holding their hands up to a crystal shows up. This must be what the ceremony basically looks like.

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