Shiro's Escape

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/Pidge's POV/

It's been one day since we found (Y/N) and he was badly hurt from new wounds. The wounds he sustained from Zarkon were mostly healed. We asked how he got these strange injuries but he passed out before he could answer. Coran reassured us that he passed out from exhaustion and not his injuries. Whatever he went through must've really done a number on him. We all gathered in the regeneration room and waited for him and Shiro to wake up. Rory quietly roars. I look down and he was coiled up at the foot of (Y/N)'s pod, his head was bobbing up and down and his eyes were half open. Was he waiting all night? Shiro stirs in his sleep.

Hunk: "Is he okay?" I look over to Coran and Allura, they were monitoring Shiro and (Y/N)'s vitals.

Allura: "Sometimes, the healing process can cause involuntary brain wave reactions." He looks back to Shiro.

Hunk: "He looks like he's having a bad dream." (Y/N) stirs in his sleep as well.

Pidge: "So does he."

Keith: "Shiro just got blasted by a space witch and mauled by giant lizards. What dream could be worse than that?"

Lance: "Well (Y/N) fought against Zarkon himself and barely survived." I clench my fist. That idiot. "No telling what he went through while he was missing either."

(Y/N): "*Rapid Mumble* Can't let them catch me... can't... no..."

Pidge: "Hm?"

/Shiro's POV/

I was in a Galra laboratory strapped on a table, struggling against the restraints.

Shiro: "No, no! No." I look to my left and a Galra soldier sticks a needle in my arm filled with sedatives. I look up at one in a black uniform wearing a mask over his nose and mouth, must be a doctor. He had a tiny white mohawk with white tattoos on his scalp, and purplish-pink skin with pure yellow eyes. The soldier behind the doctor monitors my vitals.

Shiro: "You took my hand. What more do you want?" I groan and look down at my arm. The doctor smacks the syringe away from my arm before he finished injecting me.

Doctor: "Stop! I want him awake enough to feel this." He nods and walks away. Then the doctor spun around and slammed the soldier's head against the wall, knocking him out and cracking the metal wall. He charged the soldier that walked away and punched him just as he turned around. He slammed hard into the wall behind him and stayed down. The doctor rushed over to my robotic arm and tore his face mask off. He takes out a small device and pressed it against my arm.

Doctor: "Listen to me. We don't have much time." He pressed a button and a holo screen popped up. I started to fall asleep from the sedative and he slaps me, waking me up. "Wake up! Zarkon has located the Blue Lion of Voltron on your planet, Earth. You must get it before he does." He crouches down and fidgets with the wires under the table.

Shiro: "What are you doing?" My restraints turn off and he helps me up.

Doctor: "I've planted a bomb to cover your escape. Get to a pod, now."

Shiro: "Who are you?"

Doctor: "I am Ulaz. Now, come on!" He rushes me to the door and peeks around the corner. "Zarkon will know that I released you, so I must disappear. But if you survive, go to the coordinates in your arm." I look down at my robotic arm. "The Blade of Marmora is with you." I look back up at him.

Shiro: "Why are you helping me?"

Ulaz: "As a fighter and a leader, you give hope. Hurry! Earth needs you." He runs down the hall, leaving me to fend for myself. "We all do." Wasting no time, I run down the opposite hall. My vision was a little fuzzy and there was a slight ringing in my ears. I peek around the corner and use the wall to keep me standing. The sedative is taking effect. I stumble around the corner and lean against the wall, doing my best to stay awake. I take a moment to catch my breath but I hear mechanical footsteps approaching. I gasp and I hide behind a pillar in the hall. I hear them get farther away and take my chance. I rush down the hall and keep watch as the drones walk away. I run into a cart of glowing purple energy cells and knock some on the floor. Oh, no! They turn around and I make a break for the pod. Alarms blare, letting the ship know I'm escaping. I run up to the pod and open the doors. I turn around and fling one of the drones over my shoulder. The second one grabs me and started to squeeze tightly.

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