Crystal Venom

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/(Y/N)'s POV/

It's been a few days since that fight with the million-eyed lizard monster and I'm all healed up, except now I have this weird scar on the left side of my ribs. Over the course of the past few days, Coran checked up on me every day to see how I was healing. He's still amazed how I heal after a Voltron fight. Actually, I think everyone is amazed. Even Keith! I'm still getting used to this weird power from Snow but enough about me. The good news is that Rory has woken up and he seems to be in high spirits, as usual. He only used up a lot of his energy, which caused him to pass out from exhaustion.

(Y/N): "Eighty-seven... eighty-eight... eighty-nine." Now that I'm all healed up, I decided to take the time to get used to my inhuman strength. Right now I'm lifting some weights, you know getting SWOL! But seriously, I'm only seeing what I can lift and adding some more muscle mass to look more filled than a twig with abbs. "Ninety-seven... ninety-eight... ninety-nine... *grunts* one hundred!" I drop the weights and they dent the floor. Man lifting eight hundred pounds is hard after about an hour. I grab a towel and wipe the sweat off my face and neck. "Alright now it's time for some abb crunches with some additional weights." I hear Rory roar and I feel him wrap his body around my neck. "AH, Rory you're freezing!" I yank him off,  holding him under his pits. He smiles with that big stupid grin of his. "You're lucky I like you." I point in his face and he boops his nose with my finger. "Wait, last time I saw you, you with Pidge. So if you're here then that means-"

???: "Uh... He-hey (Y/N)." I turn around and I see Pidge looking me up and down with a red tint on her cheeks. "Uh..." We lock eyes and I look down. I'm not wearing a shirt. Well, this is awkward. I put Rory on my head and 'casually' lean on the training equipment.

(Y/N): "Uh, Hey Pidge! What's- uh, what's up!" She shakes her head and turns around. Rory flies over to Pidge and lands on her head.

Pidge: "Uh, Coran wanted to have us all gather at the detainment room. He says there might be a way to get some information out of Sendak." I lose the awkward phase and take this seriously.

(Y/N): "Really? Alright, tell him I'll be there in a bit." I walk over to my clothes on the bench and look for my shirt. I stop my music and shove my Walkman in my pocket and put my speaker in my jacket pocket.

Pidge: "Hey (Y/N)? How did you get that?" I look to my left and Pidge was right next to me. She was looking at my scar from our last fight.

(Y/N): "Oh that was from our last fight with the Robeast. Yeah, he got us pretty good." She traces her fingers along the edges. It felt... weirdly nice.

Pidge: "Does it hurt?" She gently rubs her hand against the whole scar. Rory lets out a whimper.

(Y/N): "Not when you do that... but we... we should get to Coran before he sends someone to find us." As much as I would like her to keep touching my scar, we have to get to the Sendak's pod. I gently take her hand, taking it off my scar, and put on my shirt. I thought I heard her pout a little. Must have imagined it. I put my jacket on and follow Pidge to where we're holding Sendak. Along the way, Rory is glaring at me. I mouth 'what?' and he rolls his eyes. Must have learned that from Keith.

/Timeskip brought to you by an angry Chibi Rory chasing a confused Chibi (Y/N) while sending fire his way./

(Y/N): "Are we late for the interrogation?" Coran was putting these weird circular devices on his pod and a glass case sat next to the pod. He turns around.

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