The Rise Of Voltron Part 3

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/(Y/N)'s POV/

Lance had just went through the portal and I'm already regretting it. The whole Lion was shaking, which was not making my stomach any better. I was holding onto Lance's seat with one arm and I was holding onto Pidge with my other arm. Pidge was giving me one hell of a death grip on my chest. I look to my left and I see Hunk holding onto the chair with one hand and the console with his right. He looked to be gritting his teeth rather harshly. I look over to Lance and he seemed to be clenching his whole body. I turn around as best I can and I see Shiro and Keith up against the door. Shiro had his eyes closed, probably hoping that this will end soon, and Keith just looked very unhappy. 

(Y/N): "When is this going to end?!" As if on cue, we exit the portal and arrive in front of a planet. I let go of Pidge and readjust myself. "Oh thank god... Oh no!" I start to feel something come up my throat. I quickly take off my bag and look for something to vomit into.

Lance: "Whoa. That was..." I find a black plastic bag, empty the contents and vomit into it. Knowing Hunk he isn't too far behind and vomits onto the floor.

Hunk: "So sorry." He vomits again and Lance looks away disgusted. While he's doing that, I eat some mints from my bag so my breath is bearable and hopefully get some of the taste out.

Pidge: "I'm just surprised it took Hunk this long. At least (Y/N) got it in a bag."

(Y/N): "I'm never flying with Lance again..." I pick up what was in the bag it was some pencils and erasers and put it back in my bag.

Hunk: "Same here." He wipes the vomit from his mouth and stand back up. I hand him some mints and he gladly accepts them.

Shiro: "I don't recognize any of these constellations. We must be a long, long way from Earth."

Lance: "The lion seems to want to go to this planet. I think... I think it's going home." We sped off to the planet and when we started to enter the atmosphere we huddled around Lance. "Guys, personal space. Hunk, (Y/n), your breath is killing me."

Hunk: "Um, is it just me or is anyone else having second thoughts about flying through a mysterious wormhole? Why are we listening to a robotic lion anyway?"

Lance: "It got us away from that alien warship, didn't it?"

Keith: "I don't know if you noticed, but we're in an alien warship." The ship stops shaking so we back away from Lance.

Lance: "Oh, are you scared?"

Keith: "With you at the helm? Terrified."

Shiro: "All right, knock it off. No one's happy to be in this situation, but we're here now. If we want to get through this, we've got to do it together."

Pidge: "So, what do we do?" 

(Y/N): "Why don't we ask the lion where we're going?"

Shiro: "Good Idea. Lance?" We turn to Lance expecting some news about our destination.

Lance: "I don't know." He looks around at us." I'm sorry. The lion's not talking to me anymore. Wait! Wait, wait, wait! Shh! Listen. I think I hear something." I then hear something faint close by.

Keith: "I'm hearing it too." 

(Y/N): "Yeah, what is that?"

Hunk: "It's, uh- It's kind a- a high-pitched squeal?" As he says that the sound gets louder, but then I sniff the air. Everyone gags and covers their nose because Lance just farted. I look at him with my nose plugged and he has this evil smirk like he did something amazing.

The Six Defenders of the Universe (Voltron x Male Reader Insert)Where stories live. Discover now