The Fall of the Castle of Lions

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/(Y/N)'s POV/

/Location: Arus, Castle of Lions, Ball room/

It's been a week since we beat The Gladiator and discovered my ability, or should I say annoyance, to feel Voltrons pain. After we beat that monster, Allura came up with the idea to throw a party for the Arusians as an apology for putting them in harms way. We all agreed to it and spent the last few days planning the party. At first the King was confused as to what a party was, but once we explained it, he became ecstatic and started helping us right away. Right now the party has been going on for a while and the Arusian king put together a reenactment of our fight with The Gladiator. It wasn't very good, but it was a nice gesture none the less. They had a group of Arusians playing Voltron and two Arusians playing The Gladiator. They even have Gilly as a tree in the background. I found this so adorable that I took out my phone and took a video. I waved and she waved back with her tree hand. I weirdly feel like a parent.

Arusian King: "The monster fell from the sky! It was an epic battle, but Voltron was victorious!" 'The Gladiator' threw a rock at 'Voltron' and they fell, defeated. That's not what he said. I look to Gilly and she was confused. "No. I said, "Voltron was victorious!" In a split second 'Voltron' stood up victorious and 'The Gladiator' fell down, defeated. Their improv could use some work, but they fixed it in the end. The Arusians cheer at 'Voltrons' victory and hold up their drinks in celebration. I sigh and smile at this silly play. I look to Gilly and she's waving her tree arms in celebration.

Gilly: "YAY!" I smile and clap, to me, Gilly was actually the star of the show. I put my phone away and walk over to Lance and Keith. I see a tray of drinks and take one.

Allura: "Thank you, Your Majesty for that... Wonderful production." She smiles awkwardly to the Arusian King. Guess she didn't think it was that great, but can't bring herself to say it. She's too nice for her own good. "It saddens me that we must leave tomorrow, but we must continue our battle with Zarkon and spread peace throughout the universe. Your Highness..." She takes out a small device. "Please accept this gift. This will allow you to contact us anytime you need help." He carefully takes the communicator from her hands and smiles. "Arus will be the first planet in the Voltron Alliance." The King turns to the crowd and holds up the device, yelling 'Hoorah!' Hunk walks over to us.

Hunk: "We ought to get something like that." 

Lance: "Like what?"

Hunk: "You know like, a cheer. Like, a team cheer that we do." Lance thinks for a moment.

Lance: "Mm-hmm. Yeah, okay. How about, uh... "I say Vol" and you say "Tron." Vol!"

(Y/N): "... Tron?"

Keith: "Uh... Voltron?"

Lance: "No! No, no, no. The cheer includes the instructions. And (Y/N), again, but with more energy! I say "Vol" and you say..." Keith shrugs his shoulders, still having trouble grasping the concept.

Keith: "Voltron?"

Lance: "We'll work on it."

(Y/N): "Actually Lance lets try that again."

Lance: "Alright... I say "Vol" you say "Tron!" Vol!"

(Y/N): "Tron!"

Lance: "Vol!"

(Y/N): "Tron!" I laugh, this is kind of fun.

Lance: "There we go! Now we just have to get the rest of the team to say it." We both take a sip of our drink, its disgusting! I spit it out and Lance does a grossed out body spasm. We walk over to Coran, who is enjoying his drink.

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