Collection and Extraction

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/(Y/N)'s POV/

After the incident with the castle trying to kill us two days ago, we finally had some time to catch our breath. I'm in my new room organizing the books that the White Paladin of old held. They had a large number of books on weapons, forging, animals, and a few books on I think how to be a parent? I don't know, I couldn't read it but it had a few images of pregnant women and some babies. I picked up the book about the Prometheus. I opened it up and skimmed through it. I stopped on a page with weird symbols in a circle. What are these? Different types? I flip through a few pages and there was a Prometheus that looked like Rory. It had one of the symbols over its head. I guess that's his type. The symbol was of fire. Is that because he can breathe fire or something? I hear my door open and I look up to see Allura walk in.

(Y/N): "Oh hey, Allura. What brings you here?"

Allura: "It's time we look through what we gathered from Sendak's memories. We're gathering on the bridge." I close the book and place it on the shelf with the others. "Wow, you really cleaned up in here. That was a problem the last Paladin had. They could never keep their room clean. They said that they work better in a messy environment."

(Y/N): "I do too, but I prefer to know what's in my room before I make it messy." I grab my jacket and follow her out the door.

Allura: "Have you made any progress on that crystal of yours?"

(Y/N): "Yes actually, the crystal seems to generate very powerful energy. It's so strong that it immediately fried my computer once I connected it up to the analyzer." We enter the elevator and head down a few floors.

Allura: "That's quite impressive for a crystal so small, anything else?" We exit the elevator and head straight for the bridge. As we walk, I place my hand on my chin, trying to remember any other details.

(Y/N): "There was a little crack in the center when I checked it last night. It was right down the middle, it was really weird."

Allura: "Hmm... strange, anyway we're here." We enter the bridge and I see everyone is huddled around Pidge's chair. I walk over to them and sit on her armrest as Pidge is typing away on her holo computer. "Somewhere inside Sendak's memories, we should be able to find the inside information that gives us the key to take down Zarkon."

Coran: "I don't think your father would approve of searching through an enemy's memories."

Allura: "I know, but we have to do everything we can to defeat Zarkon."

Lance: "Once we learn all his weaknesses, we can drive up to his front door and challenge him to a fight. Winner gets the universe." We stare at him for a moment and go back to what Pidge was doing.

(Y/N): "So what did you find Pidge?"

Pidge: "We were only able to salvage bits and pieces."

Keith: "*Sigh* We need something to work with. Right now, we don't even have a decent map of the empire."

Lance: "Who needs a map? After 10,000 years of conquering, I could probably fire my bayard at any random point in space and hit a Galra ship."

Shiro: "If we could just find troop locations or supply routes, small targets we could hit-and-run, then we could start to free planets one by one." I hear Lance squeak over to Shiro.

Lance: "Boring. I want the big kaboom." He thrusts his fists in the air. Does he really think it's that easy?

(Y/N): "Zarkon's been building his empire for 10,000 years. It won't crumble after our first fight with him with six rookie pilots, one support ship, and a Prometheus." I feel Rory climb my leg up to the top of my head and wrap his tail around my neck. He plops down and drapes his wings over my ears, making me look like I have scaly hair. "Hitting him where he lives is a stupid idea."

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