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/(Y/N)'s POV/

Great, just what we needed! A Robeast right after we beat a command ship and liberated this Balmera of the Galra. This day just gets better and better.

Pidge: "Oh, no!"

(Y/N): "I think you mean, oh shi-!"

Shiro: "Language!"

(Y/N): "-iitake mushrooms."

Hunk: "Please tell me there's not a giant monster in there. Please tell me it's empty! Or full of space candy. One of those two. Either one is fine." As much as I wish that were true, it's not sadly.

Lance: "I don't think it's a piñata, Hunk."

Keith: "If it's the same kind of monster that attacked us on Arus, we already know how to beat it." I hear Keith slam his bayard into its port and we summon the sword while Pidge ready ups our shield.

Shiro: "Hold your ground!" I tighten my grip on the controls. This is going to hurt a lot, I know it. After a few painfully slow seconds, the giant pod opens to reveal something entirely different than what we fought last time. 

Hunk: "It's not candy!"

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Hunk: "It's not candy!"

(Y/N): "Definitely not the same Robeast!" As the Robeast powers up, it lifts its head and fixes its eyes to look at us. From what I can tell, its eyes can go a full 360 degrees, which will make it very hard to sneak up behind it. "This thing kind of reminds me of a lizard."

Keith: "How does this thing remind you of a lizard? It looks nothing like one!"

(Y/N): "The eyes. They can do a full 360 around its head."

Hunk: "Wait... oh, yeah, now I see it, yeah!" The lizard fires a green beam from its chest. We were able to block it with the shield but the beam had enough force behind it to send us sliding back by a very big distance. We spin on our heels and move out of the way of the beam.

Shiro: "We need to draw its fire away from the Balmera's surface!" As we move in closer to this monster, dodging its blasts along the way. It jumps high in the air and fires another blast at us. If we move out of the way, the Balmera will get hurt. With no other choice, we took the brunt of it with the shield, everyone else grunting from the force of the blast while I grit my teeth, ignoring the pain in my left forearm. After that burst from the lizard, we move back and hover in the air to its height so none of the beams hit the Balmera, still dodging its fire. We then fly under its last blast and rush it. We slide our feet on the ground and swing our sword at the beast but it simply moves to the side and fires a blast from its eye and hits us in the ribs.

(Y/N): "AARGH!" I grip my ribs as I try to help fly Voltron with one arm. It felt like a bunch of needles were jammed into my ribs. "Damn that hurt!" We dodge a few more blasts and fly higher in the air than Shiro's cockpit cam appeared on my screen.

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