The Rise of Voltron Part 1

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/Location: Galaxy Garrison, Simulator Room/

/Third POV/

??? Pilot: "Galaxy Garrison flight log 5-11-14. Begin decent to Kerberos for rescue mission." The pilot turned the ship to begin its decent, but it shook a little from the sudden movement, gaining a unhappy groan from the engineer.

??? Engineer: *Groans* "Lance, can you keep this thing straight?"

Lance: "Relax, Hunk, I'm just getting a feel for the stick. It's not like I did this!" He suddenly makes the ship speed up and dive, then jerking the ship right, making Hunk feel worse. "Or this!"

Hunk: "Okay, unless you want to wipe beef stroganoff out of all the little nooks and crannies in this thing, you'd better knock it off, man!"

??? Copilot: "Lance please stop! I do not want to spend my afternoon cleaning out this cockpit with me and Hunks vomit." The (H/L) (H/C) man was giving his controls a death grip and was looking almost as bad as Hunk. This gave Lance an evil idea.

Lance: "I didn't know you get motion sickness (Y/N)?" He says with an evil smirk.

(Y/N): *Groans* "Only when you're the pilot." Lance then jerks the ship again, clearly amused with himself. "Knew I shouldn't have eaten all those waffles." He was looking a bit green and annoyed. Before Lance could make them feel worse, there was a ping on the Navigators console.

??? Navigator: "We've picked up a distress beacon!"

Lance: "All right, look alive, team! Pidge, track coordinates." The Navigator now known as Pidge responds with a 'Copy' and begins to send the coordinates to the ships HUD. The ship begins to shake and groan again, but not because of Lance.

Hunk: "Knock it off, Lance! Please! (Y/N) can you take the controls please?" He tenses up in his seat, hoping make the shaking less terrible. Not even noticing the beeping monitor next to him.

(Y/N): "He's not making the ship shake. *Groans* One of the hydraulic stabilizers are-" *He retched a bit* "are out. Also, I ca- can't fly with the ship like this." Hunk checks the screen next to him and (Y/N) was right, a stabilizer was out. The ship shook again which caused Hunk and (Y/N) look like they were about to vomit. Hunk pukes a little bit in his mouth and swallows his vomit. He looked even worse.

Hunk: "Oh no."

Lance: "Oh no. Fix now, puke later. Same goes for you (Y/N)!"

(Y/N): "Not... Helping..." He looked miserable and wanted to punch Lance in the face.

Pidge: "I lost contact. The shaking is interfering with our sensors."

(Y/N) and Lance: "Hunk I am begging you please fix it!" "Come on, Hunk!"

Hunk: "it's not responding." He moans in discomfort as he gets up to look in the gearbox. As he is fixing the machine, the signal comes back and is displayed on the ships HUD.

Lance: "Oh never mind, fellas. Thar she blows. Preparing to approach on visual."

Pidge: "I don't think that's advisable with our current mechanical and gastrointestinal issues." As he says as Hunk and (Y/N) nearly vomit again.

Hunk and (Y/N): "Agreed."

Lance: "Stop worrying. This baby can take it, can't you, champ?" he pets the ship only for it to rumble and prove Pidge's point. "See? She was nodding. She was nodding. Pidge, hail down to them and let them know their ride is here." Pidge unbuckles his harness to reach the ships communicator that was on the wall above him.

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