The Rise of Voltron Part 4

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/(Y/N)'s POV/

I just came out of the wormhole and the snake was choking me out of fright of Snow shaking inside the wormhole. I grab him, pry him off my neck and put him on my lap. Even after we left the wormhole, he was still scared and he pushed himself into the bottom my coat. He popped his head out the top of my coat and he was shaking pretty badly. I scratch the back of his head and he calmed down a little, but was still shaking. I spoke to him like you would of a scared child.

(Y/N): "Hey, it's alright little guy. Its just a little turbulence, nothing to be scared of." Snow let out a little hum in agreement. This was enough to relax him to where he started to slowly fall asleep. Sadly the monitor beeped and Coran's voice came from it, waking him up in surprise and shooting some fire in my face. It didn't burn, it was just really hot and it smelled like something was burning.

Coran: "(Y/N) you're back and you brought back the White Lion! You were about to run out of time and be trapped on Vormeer."

(Y/N): "Coran me and you are going to have a talk about the word adorable and telling people about important details. For instance, let people know they might be trapped on an alien planet BEFORE they accept the mission! NOT JUST BEFORE THEY LEAVE THROUGH A WORMHOLE!" He nervously chuckles through the mic. I sigh and pinch the bridge of my nose. "Did everyone make it back?"

Coran: "Pidge and Shiro arrived a few Earth minutes before you. Lance and Hunk haven't yet, but they have the Yellow Lion with them." I let out a sigh of relief. I did not want one my teammates to be trapped on an alien planet. Well maybe Lance, but not the rest of the team.

Pidge: "(Y/N) how was your trip to Vormeer? Were there any adorable creatures like Coran said?" 

(Y/N): "There was only one, but the rest were all giant man eaters."

Pidge: "Only one? Well what did it look like?"

(Y/N): "I have pictures on my phone, I'll show you when I get to the bridge. Hey Coran where do I land the White Lion?" The pictures were a lie, but he won't care once I show him this little alien snake thing.

Coran: "Oh, land in front of the entrance with the other lions and come up to the bridge." I landed Snow and head straight for the castles bridge. The snake was still inside my coat and was gripping onto my shirt so he wouldn't fall out. I enter the bridge and everyone looked at me wide eyed.

(Y/N): "What?"

Shiro: "You look terrible. What happened?" I look down and my cloths were a mess. My snow pants were like ribbons at the ends and there was hole where the spider crab grabbed me. The coat was a little ripped in the chest area and my left sleeve was dangling by a thread. But I only had a few cuts and no major damage. I look up and smile to Shiro.

(Y/N): "Oh you know, just been chased by a giant baboon through a frozen forest. Then nearly getting eaten by a giant spider crab thing and nearly falling to my death into a ravine... Twice." I look over to Coran and he had a guilty expression.

Coran: "I'm sorry... I didn't think to check the planets current status to see if it was truly safe. I just went from memory." I gently smile to him.

(Y/N): "It's alright Coran. You did just get out of a sleeping pod that kept you there for 10,000 years. You didn't expect everything to change so much. But we got the White Lion now, that's all that matters." Then the snake moved in the coat causing it to move as well. This made everyone confused.

Keith: "(Y/N), why did your coat just move?"

(Y/N): "Hmm? Oh right." I unzip my coat and open it to reveal the snake dragon thing. He looks around then climbs up my chest and wraps around my neck. "This little guy stuck with me since I found him in the cave of the White Lion."

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