~ Chapter 31 ~

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Last chapter eh? Long wait too! Gotta make it count. Super long just for ya.

Chapter 31 aka Last Chapter

Nicole's POV

Jason explained to me that while coming back from getting the ice creams, he had tried helping an elderly lady find the gift shop and on his way there tripped over a kid chasing his puppy. He then explained his bruises were because he yelled at the kid to watch where he was going next time and then the kids father showed up and decided to punch him, in which Jason did not respond and immediately apologized.

But on the real, he would never help an old lady, he would probably fight the dad back, and he would walk away without apologizing.

So let's just say I didn't believe him at all.

But I was too wrapped up in my thoughts, I decided to let it go.

I was scared, terrified, afraid. I had a bad feeling, a very bad feeling something was going to happen.

I snapped out of my thoughts when Jason grabbed my hand and intertwined our fingers, swinging them causing my gaze to linger on our hands before I looked to his face.

I didn't know why, but it was like everything hit me, he was so beautiful, so perfect, so handsome.

He was Jason.

And for some strange reason my heart did a leap at the mere thought of his name.

I looked out into the ocean and couldn't help but ponder, did I actually want to leave him? No.

Did I want Jason to go to jail? No.

Could I possibly be falling for him? Maybe.

Was I just blurred by my imagination and the thought of him, I might have skipped the part of who he was and why I was here? Possibly.

Do I love him? Well, -


I looked up at him,"Yeah?"

He grinned at me and said,"I'll be right back, I'm gonna go get the car. Don't go anywhere, please."

His eyes pleaded, 'Don't run from me'

I stood on my tippy toes and kissed his cheek before waving him off.

I turned around and looked at the waves.

Bored of thinking, I turned and looked at the people here.

Smiling to myself, I saw a family. It was a young couple in their early 20's and a daughter who looked about 3-4 years old.

She was giggling at her dad because he had ice cream on his nose and the mother threw her head back howling in laughter. Her husband turned his head and stared at her with such intensity and love, I almost turned away but I couldn't help but stare and think

'I want that..'

Thinking I looked a bit like a stalker I turned my head just in time to see a guy with washboard abs come up to me. I raised an eyebrow at him.

He chuckled and pointed toward my feet. I giggled as I saw a soccer ball near my feet.

Oops, I thought he was hitting on me.

I quickly swept the ball off the floor and tossed it to him.

"Thanks beautiful."

I gaped at him. That was a bit forward. He was very attractive. Green eyes, olive skin, blackish hair, nice abs.

Why Me? | Book I | Jason McCann |Where stories live. Discover now