~ Chapter 28 ~

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I'm back! But I'm sick :( Not really long because I still have to do my summer homework, I'm sorry.

Why Me? - Chapter 28 -

Nicole's POV

"So what's the plan for today?" I asked him, secretly hoping we could go to the beach.

"Well, we're going to be here for 2 weeks. We could go out to eat, the beach, go for a walk, maybe even chill here... And I mean cuddle... And watch movies... Or the beach." He finished listing the things with a shy smile. He came toward me and hooked a finger in my belt loop pulling me closer to him.

Is Jason Mccan turning soft?

I smiled back at him and wrapped my arms around his neck while his went around my waist.

I sighed before speaking "the beach sounds nice... Just you, me, in the water." I leaned my head to rest on his chest.

Oh Jason, I'm sorry.

He sighed and I felt his heart beat quicken.

"Yeah... That sounds nice. Beach it is and then maybe we could go-"

"YO YO YOO I HEARD BEACH! I'm in." Vince yelled while walking in.

Thank you..

I think...

Me and Jason pulled apart sighing.

"When I yell at you to clean around the house, it's like you're deaf. But the moment we mention the beach, you suddenly have ears like a hawk. God only knows how you were created Vince but-"

Jason's argument is cut off short by Vince.

"The story is actually pretty funny. See my dad was drunk and high as hell, and he was waiting for a taxi to take him home when he met my mom cause she was piss drunk! They both got in the same taxi, god only knows why, but they suddenly had the idea that getting it on in the back of a taxi was suddenly the new 'it' thing of the century... And tadaaaaaaaaaa... I was made. Although, now that I think of it, I think the taxi driver was in on it too.." He actually looked like he was thinking about it for a moment. Squinting his eyes looking afar. You could tell he was kidding but the images were too much.

Oh my god.

My eyes.

My brain.

My mind for Christ sakes!

The images!


Oh Vincent.

"Vincent, I appreciate your lovely birth story but why on earth are you wearing a speedo?" I asking biting my lip to contain the laughter. He winked at me and I had to giggle.

I hadn't seen earlier because he was behind the counter but now.. The view was a tad too much.

"Oh... Well I thought we were going to the beach..." He had this lost puppy look in his eyes and if you know anything about stray dogs.. It's that they are the cutest.

"We are-" I began but was cut off.

"As in we- Nicole and I." Jason finished with an irritated look.




"You imbecile! That's rude! Apologize!" I grabbed a wooden spoon from the drawer hoping that it would get across that I meant business.

Why Me? | Book I | Jason McCann |Where stories live. Discover now