~Chapter 1~

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Nicole's P.O.V.

'If I was you boyfriend, I'd never let you go'

'I could take you places, you ain't ever been before'

'Baby take a chance or you'll never ever know'

'I got money on my hands, that'd I'd really like to blow'




I cut off my husband by hitting the off button on my alarm. Not that I don't love him but I really wanted to sleep in because well... I'm really not a morning person. Like really. I saw it was 9:30am.

Oh I'm so sorry I completely forgot to introduce myself, let's begin. My names Nicole Stokes, I'm 18 and my Dads Nick Stokes. I know what your thinking 'haha their names sound very similar!' Hardie har har, so hilarious. it's not like I picked to have this name, in all honesty I would have liked to be named Avalanna.

Anyways, I'm 5'5 and I have big brown eyes like my mom but I wouldn't know, she died when I was little. Moving on, my dad always says I look exactly like my mom but got his personality, explains why we argue so much, we both have nasty attitudes when something doesn't go our way.

I am a brunette, work at Forever 21 and Victoria Secret, but Sh! it's a secret, get it? No? No. ok. I have a best friend named Bella but I call her Bells. I had a boyfriend but it always seem that the slüt gets away with whatever she wants, and guess what? She wanted him, and she got him.

My dad's a guy who thinks the law is fair and shiz because he works for it but personally, I think we should be allowed to drink at the age we want, we do it anyway, don't we? You're all probably thinking 'she can't be the daughter of someone who works for the law.' but honey I am, I get away with EVERYTHING and ANYTHING.

I had people who got me fake grades so my dad wouldn't suspect I was out partying like I always am, but he doesn't need to know that.

Enough about me I must take a shower and change. I have a long day of Jersey shore episodes about to happen. I must be off.

*30 min. later*

I got out and changed into this:
(Grey long sleeve'Id rather be sleeping' with light blue skinny jeans, and black high top supras)

It's Saturday so why do I have to dress up, I'm only staying in watching Jersey.

I walked downstairs and went to make some popcorn because you know, you haven't lived unless you watch your fave show eating popcorn. Just sayin'.

After the popcorn was done cooking, I grabbed a Dr. pepper from the fridge an made my way to the living room. I sat down and grabbed the remote making myself comfortable. I turned on the TV to MTV. The show had just started and I thanked the holy spirits that I wasn't too late but just on time.

*5 episodes of Jersey Shore later*

I was watching Snooki and some other girl yelling and they were about to get down but something had to interrupt me while I was in my zone.

'If I could take away the pain and put a smile on your face'

'Baby, I would, Baby, I would-'

I answered because I knew exactly who it was cause of caller ID.

"HELLUR BISHH!!" I yelled into the phone while pausing the TV, I didn't want to miss that shit.

"Hey Hoë. haha that rhymed." She said chuckling.

Why Me? | Book I | Jason McCann |Where stories live. Discover now