~ Chapter 26 ~

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I have something to tell you guys....

It'll be at the end of this chapter.

Please continue and read:)


Nicole's POV

Continuing back toward the car, we walked in silence until Jason spoke, "So I was thinking that it's been a rough... Year for you, and I decided we should go on a vacation.. What do you think?"

He looked at my face waiting to see my reaction but I didn't really have one.

I mean it was a rough year. what am I saying? It is a rough year and maybe going on a vacation would be a good thing...

"To where?"

He glanced around us thinking.

"What about Las Bahamas?" He said beginning to smile.

Hmmmm Las Bahamas?

That sounded really nice...

"Well ok, but just us? and what about me? I can't exactly get out of the state without someone noticing me..." Question after question I started to think that this would never work until we got to the car.

"We can talk about this at home ok?"

I nod and open the door to get in the back.

Jason was driving and Alex was in the passengers seat so Vince, Alfredo, Marco, and I were left in the back.

Trying to hoist myself up was really hard cause I was short and the car was freaking huge so I tried jumping and failed miserably.

Vince started laughing and said "Haha you fail!"

I glared at him and said "so did your dads condom."

He quickly shut up and helped me get in the car.

Hah I win.

After closing the door Jason turned the radio on and Don't trust me by 30h!3 came on.

Everyone in the back including me started singing/screaming along.

"Tell your boyfriend if he says he's got beef that I'm a vegetarian and I ain't fucking scared of him!"

We kept singing through the whole thing until Marco got a solo.

"Shush girl shut your lips! do the Helen Keller and talk with your hips!"

Then Vince got one.

"Shush girl! Shut your lips! Do the Helen Keller and talk with your hips!"

Then I got one.

"Shush girl! Shut your lips! Do the Helen Keller and talk with your hips!"

We continued to laugh and sing until another song came on.


We scream/sang it till we got home.

We got out of the car and made our way inside.

Once inside I went up to our room and changed into yoga pants and a pink hoodie with fuzzy socks.

Putting my hair into a high ponytail I made my way downstairs and saw everyone sitting on the couches.

I went and sat down next to Vince and Alfredo.

Jason was standing up waiting for everyone's attention.

Once he had everyone's attention he began to talk.

"Okay so we're going to the Bahamas on a vacation to just relax and chill, forget about missions and things that.. Have happened."

Why Me? | Book I | Jason McCann |Where stories live. Discover now