~Chapter 2~

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Nicole's P.O.V.

I awoke on a pile of feathers; gosh it was so comfort- oops. Never mind, it's just a bed, but a soft one at that. Wait- back the truck up. I don't remember going home last night, or even leaving the party... OMG I slept with someone, NO!!! I was actually saving it for someone who I love. HOLY SHÏT! I remember now, I was going to pee, cause I have the bladder the size of a peanut and out of nowhere some dude comes and tells me I'm 'his'. Haha, his my aşs. Then he just knocked me out with some shit.

I opened my eyes only to have them be closed again because of the bright light. I try to open them again and this time I succeed. I look around and notice it looks like a guy's room. Whoa, when the hell did I get here? Better yet, how the hell did I get here? Just then a guy, who looks somewhat familiar- WAIT, I know who he is that as*wipe took me and told me I was 'his'. Oh hell no! No one just decides to claim me 'his', I'm going to tell this guy he must be delusional if he thinks I'm 'his'. Before I could speak, he spoke. "Good Morning Baby girl, how'd you sleep?" He asked me with a smile on his face. "back the truck up as*wipe, I'm not your 'baby girl' and you best be trippin' if you think this is a 'good morning' 'cause it's not, I just woke up in the comfiest bed ever and then I remembered I was kidnapped by some psychotic creep who thinks I'm 'his'. So now tell me, how was my morning?" I said taking a deep breath at the end.

Gosh that took a lot out of me. He stepped closer to me slowly, and to be completely and utterly honest, I was scared sh*ttless. I mean who wouldn't be, some guy I don't even know kidnapped me and calls me his baby girl, I insult him and right now he's looking so angry he could kill, literally. He was now face to face with me since when I was yelling at me, I actually had the balls to stand up, again literally. Just then, notice I'm in a white t-shirt and basketball shorts, did he change me? Well, this is awkward. So here I was standing in front of him shaking like a chicken, hoping, praying, and wishing he didn't hit me. I've been hit before but that story is for another time and I really don't want to re-live the pain right now, when I'm most likely going to get it again but the difference is I'm getting it for an actual reason this time. I noticed he was clenching his jaw and clenching his fist, taking deep breaths to calm himself down, and he did.

"You will never speak to me in that tone ever again, do you hear me?" his voice was like he was daring me to say no. So I just nodded. "I said, DO YOU HERE ME?!?" this time though his nose was flaring and I knew if he didn't stop scaring me, I'd piss myself. "Y-Yes." I managed to stutter it out. God I feel like a wimp, I've never lowered down to anyone except for him. "Okay, then now that that's over, let's go downstairs and have breakfast we have a long day to come." he said with a smile on his face.

Was he b*llsh¡tting me right now?

He's f*ck¡ng bipolar.

(I was going to stop it there but I thought why not be nice.)


The day was nice, it was the afternoon now and I can honestly say I liked today. I got to know him and I realized he's not that bad. Right now we were on the couch watching 'Fast and Furious 6' and we were eating popcorn, my head on his chest and his arm around my shoulder, I know it seems weird that the guy who kidnapped me is the guy I'm cuddling with now, but it just feels so right.

Just then the door bell rang and Jason got up to get it, oh did I mention I learned his name and the best part was that the house party I was at yesterday was his, crazy right? A minute later he came back but not alone, with a girl who looked like a total slut.

Her blonde hair looked so fake and her face looked like a toddler used it as a coloring book. Her outfit wasn't the most appropriate for the season since it was cold outside and she had decided to wear a crop top that barely covered her boobs with short shorts, not to mention her shoes were basically hooker shoes, 7' stilettos. Jeez, hooker much? But what really ticked me off was that she was clinging on to Jason, like he was a god. I mean yeah he was attractive, but that was just clingy. The most thing that ticked me off was he didn't make any attempt to move her away and that just made me angrier.

"Jacey, who's this slüt?" right when she spoke my ear drums were screaming for help, can someone shut her up. Hold up! Me the sl*t? Maybe there's a mirror behind me? I turned around but nope there were no mirrors around. If this b*tch wants to go, then let's go.

"B*tch please, for a moment there I thought you were looking in a mirror, but since you're not let me just give you a news flash, you're the one looking like a hooker and I bet if you could you would walk around naked. People like you make me sick, don't get the rolls here twisted b*tch, because if anything I'm the purest thing in this room and you, you're the dirtiest and most used." I finished my speech taking a deep breath. They both stood there for a while looking shocked, before Jason spoke "Nicole, go to the basement and don't come out till I say so. That's an order, now GO!" I could tell by his voice he was angry but I could care less if the b*tch wanted to play with fire, you should always know, you're going to end up getting burned. But me being the p*asy I am, left to the basement.

All that night, I could only here moans and groans, let's not forget the occasional, 'Jason, omg, you're so good!' or the 'Jason, OMG!' To be completely honest, I was pissed off; he blew me off to have sex with her. Then he leaves me in the basement with only a mattress and a somewhat pillow and blanket.

That whole night I felt one emotion, anger. You want to know what caused my anger.



Hey my beautiful readers, so sorry I couldn't post this yesterday, Wattpad was actin' up. In other news, jealousy? What? Is it because she has feelings for him? Read the next chappie to find out ;)





Lots of love


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