Fifty Seven

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olivia pov:

the cold air sent shivers down my spine as i walked into the courthouse. my hands were shaking and my heart was going a million miles per minute.

i flattened my hands down my skirt as i met up with my lawyer, he eyed me but didn't say anything.

They had just come back with a verdict. and after a year and a half, this shit would finally be over, whether it ended good or bad.
Originally Nate and i decided to keep what happened that evening at the jacobs home a secret. nate decided to take his dads offer and take the apartment. he was doing fine, loving living on his own.

but i on the other hand was not fine.

at first i was okay. figured i was a little in shock but.. okay. but after a few weeks, the weight of everything started getting to me. i wasn't able to just move on like nate had. because it didn't happen to nate, it happened to me.

nate wasn't the one who was almost raped.

i thought i was going to be able to be happy with nate. that getting cal out of the picture would solve everything, but it didn't.

one night i finally confessed everything to my mom. i left out the shit about tyler and all the abuse nate had put me through. but i told her about the tape, about jules, about cal, about that night.

to say she was upset was an understatement.

i don't know how long we sat there and cried together.

when my mom first brought up the idea of pressing charges i shut it down. i didn't want to deal with any of it, i wanted to move on. but the more we talked about it, the more i wanted to lock cal away for good.

nate didn't feel the same way.

to be fair i understand where he was coming from. he didn't want to press charges against his own dad. he didn't want the town talking about him. didn't want all the attention.

i didn't care though. we fought and argued and screamed for hours about it. eventually i had had enough. i ended things for good that night. i knew he was never gonna agree with me. the weeks prior had really took a toll on me. and i had realized that everything i've been through with nate is not something that i should be proud of or something that i should 'stick by him' for. it should be the reason i leave him.

being with nate destroyed my self confidence. and for a while i had no idea who i was without him.

it took a while to get that back. to get me back.

but i did it. and i was successful at pressing charges against cal.

he pled not guilty which was not surprising.

the trial was long and very painful. a lot of people were called to testify.

when nate was called. i figured he was gonna lie. he was still upset with me and not happy about the way things ended between us, so i fully expected him to take his dads side. 

but then he didn't.

he told the truth on the witness stand. he talked about how he loved me and always will and how angry he was at his dad for doing something like this.

it was then i realized why i fell in love with nate jacobs.

i fell in love with the nate that wants to do the right thing. i fell in love with the nate that is kind and caring and funny.

he wasn't that person a lot of the time though. and i know i deserve someone who is like that all of the time. and so does he.

we were too toxic for each other. we would do anything for each other and that got us into a lot of trouble most of the time.
i swear i thought i was going to vomit all over the court room when the judge told us to rise

"on the count of attempted rape, how do you find the defendent?"

"guilty, your honor"

you could hear small gasps from the audience. my mind went fuzzy and i couldn't feel most of my body. i thought i was going to pass out. the only thing i could feel was the tears dripping down my cheeks.

it was finally over.

when all of the things were read by the judge, cal was taken in handcuffs.

a flash of guilt washed over me when i looked at nate. he sat there, teary eyed.

he looked at me and gave me a small smile. not a smirk or a fake smile. but one of understanding. 

a look that told me it's all going to be okay.

here it is!!

sorry this took so freaking long.

i originally decided to make a bonus chapter when this story reached 100k. since then it's reached over 640k and i cannot thank you guys enough. every day i open this app and am just amazed by how many people are reading and enjoying this story. this story really helped me find my passion for writing and the fact that people are still reading it and liking it is just mind blowing to me.

i hope you guys enjoy the final chapter and i hope i did it justice. :)

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