Forty One

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"I really have to go" I whispered as we laid there, sweaty and naked, both still coming down from our highs

"I don't want you to" he kissed the top of my head a pulled my body closer to him

"I know" I said escaping his grasp and gathering up my clothes. I saw him watching me out of the corner of my eye and I when I turned to look at him he had a huge grin plastered on his face

"What?" I laughed slipping my underwear back on

"Nothing" he stood up and walked over to me, wrapping his arms around me

"I'm gonna go shower, I'll text you tomorrow"


He leaned down and pressed him lips to mine, slowly

"That was amazing, thank you" he whispered in my ear causing goosebumps to form on my skin

He walked off, slipping into his bathroom, leaving the door cracked. I heard the shower turn on as I threw my sweater back on my body. 

"Love you" I yelled through the door

I waited until I heard a response

"Love you too"  he said before I slipped out. I stopped in the living room before leaving.

"See you guys later" I said peeking in

"Bye Liv, you sure you don't want a piece of pie to take home"

"Oh no we have plenty at home, see you guys" 
The next day I got up early for my meeting. I really wasn't ready to tackle the whole college thing this early in the year but as my mother reminds me everyday, it's never too early to think about your future.

Gods she's been on my nerves lately. I love her and all but I just want to enjoy my senior year, I've had enough to fucked up shit happen to me this year to last a lifetime and all I want to do it enjoy the rest of it before I have to leave. Plus thinking about possibly leaving Nate makes me sad, I know we could never last through a long distance relationship.

"Olivia Davis?"

"That's me"

"Please come in, have a seat"  I walked into the large room and took a seat in one of the chairs in front of the mans large desk

"Oh I'm Brett lockman, I know your mother made this meeting so you probably don't know who I am" he extended his hand out towards me

"Nice to meet you" I said shaking it

"Alright let's get right to business"  he said taking a seat at the desk and pulling out some papers

"First of all your SAT scores are very impressive and your gpa has remained a solid 4.0 all 4 years of high school, very nice work Olivia"

"Thank you"

"Also track all four years, student council, this all will look very good on your applications"

"So tell me, what are your plans"

"I really don't have any"

"Really? I imagined someone like you must have their future all planned out"

"Nope, the only plan is to get out of this town" He chuckled at my response

"But I really don't want to go far"

"Well Ivy League is definitely in the question here if your interested"

"I don't know if I could afford that"

"Well, if you settle for a more substandard school, I would not be shocked if full- ride scholarships are on the table, in fact I'm sure they are"

"And what about scholarships for Ivy League?"

"Well see that's the thing, I'm sure you could get some assistance but schools like Harvard and Yale accept people just like you into their schools everyday, to them you would be no different to any other person there" well that's disappointing thanks Brett

"I mean I was never counting on Ivy League anyways"

"Olivia there are plenty of other fabulous schools that would accept you in a heartbeat, our job is to figure out which one"

The rest of the meeting went pretty well but definitely left me with a lot of questions and a lot of decisions to make, Brett basically told me that if I wanted the full- ride offer to be available I needed to start applying now, which was scary considering I had no idea what I wanted to do in life or where I wanted to go. But I'm sure I'll figure it out. If I apply to a bunch then I have a little time to figure out which ones I want and also which offers are better. I tried not to focus too much on Nate, like my mom said he would definitely be able to get into any school he wanted, it would just take his daddy's money which Nate would need to convince him to give up.

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