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I woke up in cold sweat and with a horrible stomach ache. I looked over at my phone and realized it was time to get up. I called Nate.

"Please tell me your as sick as I am" I said as soon as he picked up

"No I feel fine, what's wrong"

"My stomach is killing me" I said throwing a hand over my head

"I'll skip today, come over"

"No I don't want you to get sick"

"It's probably just your period"

Fuck. It dawned on me. I was late, by like a lot. I jumped out of bed my heart racing, I ran over to my dresser, I hadn't missed a single pill. I'm never late, ever.

"Hey can I call you back" I said frantically

"What's wron-" I hung up the phone. Texted my mom I wasn't going and ran to her bathroom. I raided her cabinets for a pregnancy test, which she didn't have because why would she.And then it hit me, Nate didn't use a condom, not last night or the last time we had sex. I thought I was good. I was on birth control, there's no way I'm pregnant, I can't be. My life would be over.

I should call Cassie, no I should wait for Nate, plus Cassie dealing with her own shit. She got her abortion yesterday. Fuck fuck fuck. Tears welled in my eyes but I shook them away. There was no need to get worked up over something that's probably not even happening

I heard my phone buzzing and walked up to it. It was Nate, probably worried why I hung up so quickly.


"What the fucks up with you"

"Park outside when you get here I'll meet you in your truck, I need to talk to you"

"Olivia tell me what's wrong"

"Nate just come over!"

"I'll be there in 5" he said before hanging up, clearly pissed off i wouldn't tell him what's going on. But I didn't want to freak him out until there was a reason to freak out. And until I take the pregnancy test there's no reason to freak out.

I threw on a some new sweats and one of Nate's sweatshirts. I walked downstairs and waited for him to pull up. Once he did I ran out and hopped in.

"I'm here, now tell me what the fucks going on"

"I need you not to freak out"

"Olivia just tell me already"

"I'm late" I blurted out

"Your late what do you mean your-" then it hit him

"No, I thought you were on the fucking pill?"

"I am, but it's not 100% effective and we haven't been using a condom"

"How do you know?"

"I don't know that's why I need you to take me to the pharmacy"

"Fuck Olivia" he said raising his voice

"Listen okay, I'm fucking scared too Nate, probably a thousand times more than you so if you could have a little bit of fucking sympathy that would be nice" I said putting my head down and looking at my lap

He moved his hand to rest on top of mine

"It's gonna be fine, I'm sure it's no big deal"

I took a deep breath in as he pulled off. I tried to calm myself as we drove to the pharmacy. We didn't speak the whole way but he kept his hand on my lap. I know he's scared too, and I kinda feel bad for snapping at him, but the last thing I need right now is him getting angry at me.

He pulled in and put the truck in park.

"Do you want me to go with you?"

"No, I'll be right back"

I put my sun glasses on and walked in. I don't want anyone recognizing me

I stared at all the options. How the hell am I supposed to know what kind of pregnancy test to buy. There's so many different options. I grabbed a couple different ones and got the hell out of there, I didn't make eye contact with the lady checking me out. I grabbed my shit and left.

I got back in the truck and leaned my head back on the seat. Nate drove off without another word.
"How long do we wait?" Nate's asked as I walked out and put in on the counter

"2 minutes"

He nodded his head and I sat down on my bed, he sat next to me

"Maybe it's not such a bad thing"

"What the fuck are you taking about?"

"We could leave, start a new life"

"No Nate, I can't be a mom"

"I think you'd be a great mom" he wrapped his arms around my waist

"Nate will you stop being stupid, I can't be pregnant"

"But we could leave, get the fuck out of here get a house or something and start a family"

"Your crazy" I leaned my head against his shoulder

We both shot up when the alarm on my phone went off. I stood up and grabbed it keeping it face down until I returned to my original spot.

I grabbed his hand before flipping it over

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