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"Olivia...Olivia!" a girl yelled snapping me out of my trance

"Sorry Sarah, yeah I've got the groups picked out, ill announce them at practice today"

"Okay thanks" she said before walking away

I shook my head slightly and closed my eyes, and took a quick deep breath before opening my locker

"Hey how come you didnt call me yesterday?" cassie said walking up behind me

"Sorry, i really wanted to come but my mom was being like super annoying"

"Is something wrong? you've been off lately"

Before i could  answer i saw Nate turn the corner into the hallway. I watched as he walked down the hallway, smirking at some freshman girl who was sticking her chest out at him. he locked eyes with me, holding our gaze until he walked passed us

"Liv!" cassie said waving her hands in front of my face

"Huh what? oh Cas im fine im just tired is all"

"Okay, so tomorrow were getting ready for carnival right?"

"Yeah thats fine just come over whenever"

"I have to go to class, ill see you at lunch?"

I smiled and nodded my head at her, quickly grabbing my books i shut my locker and walked to class. Unfortunately i had this class with Nate but luckily it was a lecture day, meaning there was no chance of us getting partnered up for some project or some shit like that.

I walked in and sat my stuff down on my desk. Soon thought the bell rang and Nate still wasn't in class. Was he really mad at me? I mean I know it sounds like a stupid question but does he really have a reason to be? He tells me he's cat fishing some girl, telling her he loves her, collecting her nudes, and gets mad when I disagree with it? What did he expect to happen? Did he think I was gonna be okay with it?

After about 15 minutes into the lecture the door opens and Nate walks in and hands the teacher a tardy slip. Of course the only seat left open is right next to mine because why wouldn't it be? The universe already hates me so why not. He sits down
without looking at me. But soon he leaned over

"Are you still going to carnival tomorrow?" He whispered

Is he serious? Is that what he's worried about right now?

"I'm not sure Nate"

"Come on Liv are you still mad at me?"

"Hmm let me think about that one, am I still mad you told me to fuck off, and that your literally destroying someone's life? Yeah Nate I'm still mad"

He shook his head and leaned back in his seat

"You know I wish you would just try to understand"

"I am trying Nate, I am trying my best to understand you but you're not making it easy" I said leaning back in my seat letting him know I was done having this conversation

After class I got out of there as quickly as I could

"Liv will you slow the fuck down?" Nate said grabbing shoulder roughly pulling it back

"Listen I'm sorry about yesterday, I was upset, but please, I need you, you're the only one I can trust, you're all I have"

He's too good

Addicted- Nate Jacobs Where stories live. Discover now