John and the Sherlock

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(Beauty and the Beast AU... Don't ask XD)

Sherlock - beast
John - Belle
Mrs Hudson - Mrs Potts
Greg Lestrade - Lumiere
Mycroft - Cogsworth (not Sherlock's brother)
Irene Adler - Wardrobe/Madame De La Grand Bouche
Harry Watson - Maurice (Belle's dad)

John sat in the room he had been given, confused and so alone. He didn't really know what was happening only that his sister was gone. He would never see her again. It still hadn't sunk in properly. Oh Harry, why did she have to run off? Look at the mess she'd gotten them in!

John sat as still as possible, very apprehensive about making any sudden movements or showing any emotion in case the 'furniture' decided to speak again. It was odd... They were people, but furniture. John didn't really understand and to be frank he didn't really want to, he just wanted to go home and be with Harry.

"Ahem. Hello dearie."

John looked up to see the tea pot had made her (?) way over to him. She must have seen the surprise on his face as she added, "Don't worry! It's only me!" In a rather annoying sing-song tone.

John hinted at a smile instead of saying hello. He really wasn't in the mood for pleasantries.

"The master was just wondering if you would like to come for dinner now? I wasn't sure what you liked so I cooked up everything in the kitchen!" She looked at him expectantly but John was repulsed at the thought of it. Dinner? With that beast? Of course not!

"That's very kind of you, but I'm not going to dinner." He replied politely.

"Oh don't be silly!" A voice came from the other side of him making him jump. This time it was the wardrobe, or as she like to call herself, Miss Adler. "You heard what the Master said!"

John suddenly angered. "He may be your master, but he's not mine!" He bellowed at the started wardrobe. This master fellow hadn't said a word to him since he got here and now he was expected to take orders from him?! He saw the tea pot take a breath, most likely to calm herself down, before she spoke.

"It was a very brave thing you did for your sister dear, we all think so."

He sighed, taking on board what she said. "I'm going to miss her so much." He replied, sitting back down on the bed, hoping to God that it wasn't alive too.

"Come on Mrs Hudson, let's go find Mycroft." And with that the two women turned and left.


Sherlock was in his study when Lestrade knocked on the solid wooden door.

"Come in." He growled, trying to be gentler and failing.

"Master, h-have you thought that perhaps, this young man might be the one to break the spell?" Lestrade asked sheepishly, afraid of his masters response.

"Of course I have! I'm not a fool, Greg!" He roared at him, the blood boiling under his fur.

"I know, it's just that-" he was cut off by another knock.

Sherlock sighed. "Let them in." He ordered.

Mrs Hudson entered with Mycroft the clock trailing behind her, a worried look on his face. He closed the door.

There was silence in the room for all of three seconds before the beast boomed, "Well?! What do you want!?"

Mrs Hudson looked at Mycroft encouragingly. "Tell him!" She whispered.

"Well..." He started cautiously, "you see, the thing is..."


"Actually if I'm completely honest..."

"What is it!"

"You see, when I-"

"For God's sake man spit it out!!!" The master roared again, making Mycroft practically jump backwards.

"He's not coming!" He said hurriedly.

"What did you say?!"

"I said he's not coming to dinner." Mycroft said once more, firmer and more certain but still petrified.

The beast gritted his teeth, stepping closer and closer to the clock with each word he said. "What do you mean, he's not coming?" Every word was said with a terrifying precision that frightened the life out of everyone in the room.

"Master.." Lestrade tried to calm him but Sherlock was having none of it. He pushed past Mycroft and barged through the door, heading straight to the staircase that led to John's room. He must have heard him coming as he was stood poised ready to shout as the beast entered the room.

"I AM THE MASTER OF THIS CASTLE AND IM TELLING YOU TO COME TO DINNER!" He boomed making John take one or two steps away from him. However he did not lose his confidence.

"And I'm telling you I'm not hungry!" He retorted.


"You can't just go around ordering people to be hungry! It doesn't work like that!" John had no idea where this sudden bust of confidence was coming from but he just went with it, after all, it seemed to be working.

"I- I can..."

"Besides, it's rude!"

"Oh. Rude, is it? I'll try again. If you don't come down to dinner, I'll drag you by the-" His tone was getting louder and more aggressive until Lestrade finally stopped him.

"Master!!" He pulled him off to one side. "That may not be the best way to win the boys affection." He whispered hoping John hadn't heard him.

Sherlock glared at him, his face scrunched up as he looked at each face individually, assessing what they were thinking. He wished he could do that with John but the man was an anomaly, he couldn't get a read on him at all.

He closed his eyes and sighed and eventually gave in. "Fine. I'll give him one. Last. Chance." He turned to John and with a face like it physically pained him to do so he said, " Would you me so kind, as to join me for dinner?"

John glared at him not sure whether he was going to say yes or not but just as he opened his mouth, Mycroft stepped forwards whispering a 'p' sound into Sherlock's ear.

He took a deep breath and ground his teeth again. "Please." He managed. John would have to say yes now.

But, no. John smirked at him having made up his mind, happy that he'd gotten one over this beast. "No, thank you."

The beast roared turning to leave before stopping himself and turning back and shouting, "Fine then starve!!!" Before slamming the door shut.

Mycroft and Lestrade quickly opened it and followed him out.

Ugh. This boy is going to be hard work, Sherlock thought to himself, a tiny hint of a smile forming on his lips as he realised if their positions were reversed then he probably would've done the same as John.

He sighed, was this going to be worth the effort? He caught his reflection in the mirror on the wall and stared at his beastly face of fur. He used to be handsome once, before this spell. Oh what he would give to have that face again! He sighed again, turning away from the mirror. It will be worth it, he told himself, it will.

(10k reads omg yay! Thank you all so much!!!! I really hope you enjoy my stories! :)

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