Dun dun dun!!!

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"Sherlock, I'm back!" John called as he closed their front door, making his way up to their kitchen so he could deposit the shopping bags there. Sherlock, unsurprisingly, was in his arm chair, legs crossed, eyes closed, hands steepled underneath his chin.

Suddenly his eyes snapped open to the sight of John, moving things in the fridge to make more space. John.

"John." He full on spat as he stood up. "What are you doing here."

Confused, John turned, putting the packet of butter on the table. He eyebrows furrowed as he tried to work out what was going on.

Sherlock's fists were clenching and unclenching at his sides, a look of pure, unforgiving anger on his face.

"Don't give me that." He said, frustrated that John was playing ignorant. "What makes you think you have the right to just show up here." His jaw was almost shaking and he was straining to keep his composure.

"Sherlock? What are-" he was interrupted by an almighty shout from Sherlock.

"GET OUT! Get. Out. Of my flat." Sherlock's nose was scrunched and he inhaled deeply, failing to stay calm.

"Sherlock, wait. Hang on a sec, I'm-" John took a step towards Sherlock, trying to understand what was happening, but as he did Sherlock stepped back, almost falling over, as if he was afraid.

"LEAVE!" Sherlock's eyes were bloodshot, but he wasn't high. They were red because he was trying to suppress tears from forming.

"Sherlock this is my flat too, remember." John tried to justify himself but it was no use.

"This stopped being your flat the day you murdered my family." His hands were shaking, forehead sweaty.

John suddenly understood. But not fully. He must just be confused, he thought, but Sherlock is never confused. Why would he think I killed them? Obviously John hadn't murdered them. Sherlock's mother and brother were both shot dead by Moriarty about three months ago at Christmas. It had really affected Sherlock, apparently more than he had first realised.

John closed his eyes. He had to play this right or it could go badly wrong. "Sher-" He stopped short inched he'd opened them.

Sherlock had his arm outstretched, pointing towards him. A small black hun sat in his hand. Shit.

Sherlock's head dropped down and he looked at John through his eyelashes. "Leave." He whispered. John didn't move.

"LEAVE." He screamed, taking several steps in John's direction. Face sweaty, teary and scrunched with utter hatred.

Now it was John's turn to stumble backwards in to the fridge. "Just- just wait-"

"I'm giving you to the count of three to get your disgusting self out of my flat. One."

John glanced at the door, still not moving though. Sherlock was stood half in the living room, half in the kitchen, but he made to signs of moving forward.

"Two." His hand was shaking, barely managing to keep the gun in his hand, let alone keep it steady. If he shot, he would most likely miss. But that wasn't a risk John was willing to take. He'd been shot once, he'd be damned if he was going to let it happen again.

John made a break for it, running to the door. He turned back for one last glance at Sherlock's cold hard face before turning in his heels and running away, still not entirely sure of what was happening and hoping to God that this was just some awful experiment.

It wasn't though.

As soon as John was gone, Sherlock dropped to his knees. The gun fell from his loose grip, clattering on the floor next to him. He doubled over, his arms wrapping around his torso as he cried, letting it all go.

Suddenly his crying stopped and Sherlock fell on to his side. He began to shake vigorously, and foam appeared at his mouth.

These few seconds were the last few seconds of his life, and it was only in these few seconds that the drug slowly wore off and Sherlock remembered Moriarty slipping the clear liquid into his cup of tea.

But now it's too late to do anything about it.

Now, Sherlock Holmes is dead.

(A/n betcha weren't expecting that! 😱

Thanks so much for reading this and voting for it! 3k reads and 300 votes is insane!!!!!

Sorry about my sincere lack of updating but revision 😞)

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