First kiss

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(A/N I wanted to add the picture that insured me to write this but it wouldn't let me :/ it's basically the two of them kissing under a cherry tree)

(also thanks so so so so so so so so so so so much for 100 reads!! I love every single one of you forever!)

It was one breezy spring day that it happened. They were on a case, walking through a nearby park to get to a witness' house. All of the trees were in full bloom, bright shades of green bursting out on top of their brown trunks.

Sherlock stopped in his tracks, directly underneath a cherry tree. It was huge, towering over even him, and spread maybe 3 meters wide. Pink blossom floated through the air around them as John stopped too and turned round.

"What's up?" He asked, confused as to why they had halted. Then he noticed the look on Sherlock's face.

The look of pure clarity, sudden realisation, that John thought made him look oddly beautiful. He had worked something out. Something to do with the case.

"What is it? What do you know?" He asked again as a smile began to spread across Sherlock's face, his eyes glinting with delight and pride that he'd done it.

"The brother!" He exclaimed, grinning widely as he glanced at John. "Yes! That's it! It has to be!"

John smiled at Sherlock's reaction. "Go on, explain yourself then." He said, knowing it would please him even more to show off his 'brilliance'.

Sherlock then went on to explain a situation where the murderer was undoubtably the brother of the victim. He went into impeccable detail about it all as he relayed his information to the listening John who was amazed by his intelligence.

"So," Sherlock concluded, gripping onto John's shoulders grinning "you see it couldn't have been anyone else!"

John smiled, proudly. "Incredible." He stated simply, once again astonished. "Absolutely incredible."

Sherlock's smile faltered. "Really?" He asked, doubting John. He had expressed his amazement before but for some reason Sherlock was still unsure.

"Really? You really mean that?" He said again, taking a small step closer to him.

"Yeah. Of course." John said looking him in the eye.

Sherlock's smile slowly began to grow again as he looked back.

The pink blossom floated in the air around them as they inched their faces closer together until finally their soft lips gently brushed together for the first time ever.

Both of them had their eyes closed with John on tip toes and Sherlock leaning down ever so slightly as gradually they began to kiss passionately under a cherry tree in the middle of a park, arms wrapped around each other. They moved their heads with expert precision, like they'd been doing this for years.

As John pulled away Sherlock looked down at him and smiled. He had barely felt anything for anyone before and now he was feeling all this for just one man. But that one man was the most wonderful man he had ever met and probably ever would meet so he didn't care. He would learn to embrace it.

Neither of them moved, they just stood and stared at each other like if they blinked they would loose them forever.

Sherlock didn't entirely know what the kiss meant, but he knew it meant something as he wasn't going to just ignore it. He knew he had found someone, someone he could see himself spending the rest of his life with. And if John would have him, that's just what he'd do.

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