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John was crying.

He was in his bedroom crying.

Sherlock didn't know what to do. He could hear the sobs from downstairs and John had his door closed. He couldn't just ignore him, could he? No, John would know.

He had to do something, but what? That was the question. He couldn't very well just go up there for no reason, that would be too obvious. And even if he did, what was he supposed to say when he got there?

After a minute or two of deliberation, Sherlock headed for the kitchen, flicking on the kettle and taking two mugs from the cupboard. One tea, no sugar for John and one coffee, black, two sugars for him.

He needed to find out why John was crying so he could deduce how to make him stop.

It wasn't normal for a grown man to cry, especially John, he was normally very... Emotionally stable.

Sherlock began to climb the staircase, slowly so as he didn't spill the drinks on the floor.

Once he got to the top he paused. What was he going to say?

He cleared his throat.

"Sherlock? Is that you?" John said from the other side of the door.

"Um... Uh, yes." He answered, still the other side of the door.

"Oh okay." John sniffed.

A few seconds went by, "Can- Can I come in?" Sherlock asked rather awkwardly.

"Oh, um of course, yes. Come in."

Sherlock waited, unable to open the door due to the hot drinks in each of his hands.



"Can you open the door please?"

He heard a long sigh, and a faint muttering of 'Jesus' before the dark wooded door was finally swung open.

John stood there, head facing down, barely looking at Sherlock. He turned back around again, slumping onto his bed as Sherlock followed, cautiously taking a seat next to him after realising there were no chairs in the small room.

The were silent for a moment, Sherlock sat straight and stiff whilst John was hunched over, face in his hands looking miserable.

"Uh, John?" Sherlock said, nudging him with the cup of tea he made.

John sighed, sitting up and taking the mug, muttering a quiet thanks as e did.

Neither of them said anything for five minutes as they sipped their hot drinks. And them, both at exactly the same time they went to speak.



"You go first." John said politely.

"Can I ask why you were upset?" He said a little sheepishly.

"You can." John wasn't looking at him, his gaze was fixed on a book on his desk.

"Well?" Sherlock was trying to be patient, but this was so frustrating.

"Well what?" Jesus, he thought.

"What do you mean, 'well what'?" Sherlock replied through gritted teeth.

"I mean, well what?" Count to ten Sherlock, count to ten.

"Why were you upset?" John's head dropped again, facing his knees. He was silent for a while.

"You really want to know?" That was it, this was all too frustrating.

"Jesus." Sherlock barely whispered as he stood up swiftly and headed towards the door.

"Sorry. I- I just found out my mum." He took a deep breath. "My mum died."

A silent tear made its way down his face and reluctantly, Sherlock sat down next to him again.

"I can't believe it. I... I didn't even know she was ill. And then, just out of the blue, poof. She was gone." He leant forward again, head in his hands.

Sherlock didn't know what to do so he put an awkward but reassuring arm gently around his shoulders, patting his slightly.

"There there. It'll be alright."

John looked up at him through teary eyes.

"Thank you." He said and leaned in for a hug which he knew Sherlock would hate but he did it anyway.

As he pulled away, his lips were parted, pupils dilated, pulse... Elevated, he leaned in and brushed their lips together ever so slightly, closing his eyes to savour the moment.

And surprisingly, Sherlock didn't pull back. No, if anything, he leaned into the touch, in fact, he found he rather liked it.

(Lol (ew did I just say 'lol'? What a weirdo!) this one is shhhhiiittteeee 😂 but this one is to say thanks for getting this story to (almost! About 30 away from) 1k reads !!! The only reason I'm saying this is cause I have a really busy week at school next week and won't be able to update for a while. (Not that I update regularly anyway but 😂😂))

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