Goodbye John

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It was Thursday the 17th of May. Sherlock had been waiting for weeks, dreading this particular day. He'd tried to convince John not to do it but he wouldn't change his mind.

John was going to Afghanistan tomorrow. Sherlock hated the thought. What if something happened to him? What if he was shot? What if he died? What would Sherlock do then huh? How would he live with himself?

Every Time Sherlock bought it up John would quash his words with a kiss or change the subject but it didn't stop him worrying.

There was an awkward kind of silence upon their house that morning. Neither of them said much, just a quiet 'morning' and a 'tea or coffee?' from John.

"You know, being stroppy about it and not talking to me won't stop me from going Sherlock." He finally said after two hours of silence.

Sherlock glanced up at him, pretending to be oblivious to everything John just said. "hm?" He mumbled before looking back down at his newspaper.

"I know you heard that Sherlock."
No reply.

"Fine, if you're gonna be like that then I might as well just leave now."
Still nothing. John waited for a moment, not wanting to go before he had to.

"Right. Okay then. I'll just go get my bag." As he stood up and turned he heard a quiet 'wait' from Sherlock's chair.

John looked back, eyebrows raised. Sherlock sighed.

" I don't want you to go." He barely looked at John at all. "Please don't go."

"For gods sake." John muttered under his breath before getting just a tad frustrated. "Listen Sherlock. I'm going. I don't care if you don't want me to, frankly I don't want to either!" Sherlock perked up a little at that. "But right now we don't have much of a choice. The army is our only option unless you have a better way of making money to afford this place?" He gestured at the room. Sherlock stayed silent. "I didn't think so."

"Four hours Sherlock. That's all we have before I'm leaving for six months. I don't want to cut it short and I don't want to spend it arguing either okay?"

"I'm sorry." Sherlock whispered.

"That's okay. Now come here." He opened his arms out and Sherlock came and settled in them, hiding his face in John's neck.

"John?" Sherlock said.


"I know something we could do in those four hours."

John smiled, leaning forward and placing a big kiss on Sherlock's lips. "Do you now?"


The train station was busy. There were families, couples, friends, everyone seemed to be there at that particular time. John had his uniform on already, Sherlock had insisted on seeing him in it before he left.

"You look very handsome." Sherlock whispered in his ear.

John blushed, pecking his cheek and lingering for a moment, inhaling the beautiful scent that he wouldn't smell for at least six months.

"Here," Sherlock said, handing him a small ring box. "I got this for you."

John's eyes darted up to him, Full of excitement and love as he opened the navy blue box revealing the plain silver ring inside.

"I- I know it's not much but, well, y'know I just wanted to give you something so that you would-"

He was cut off by a pair of beautifully soft lips that belonged to a certain John. Their arms snaked around each other.

"Please don't go." Sherlock pleaded, his voice barely a whisper as he clung to John.

"I'm so sorry." John dropped his head onto Sherlock's shoulder, kissing the fabric of his coat before pulling away, giving his boyfriends hand a quick squeeze.

"See you soon." His eyes were filled with tears.

"Goodbye John."

John turned and left until he became just another person in the sea of heads Sherlock could see before him.

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