Beautiful deduction

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(Two updates? 😱 You're welcome my friend!

This is quite nice I think, told from John's POV)

His pale face shone, blue eyes glowing like gem stones, sparkling, reflecting every ounce of the bright, artificial light. His pupils, unusually small, darted all over the place as he took in every little detail that he could ever possibly need. They flicked from the old, wooden table in the corner to the pile of papers and books left to deteriorate when their owner died and then back to the mangy green, floor length curtains hanging from a rusty metal pole on the wall. His head was moving too, only a fraction mind, but you could see the minute little twists and turns he made to keep up with his darting eyes.

The light pink lips of the detective hung open a tad, just enough so you could see the tips of his almost perfect, white teeth underneath. The end of his tongue suddenly shot out, wetting his dry lips. It seemed the movement was subconscious as he didn't appear to realise he was doing it. Maybe it helped him think.

As if on cue, his eyes snapped shut, blocking out one of his senses, enhancing the other four. To help him concentrate, I thought to myself. The mans nose twitched, nostrils flaring as if he'd noticed something. As if he'd caught a quick whiff of something crucial to the case. I wondered what it was but I didn't ask, worried I would distract him or interrupt some important deduction.

His eyes opened again and he wasted no time, striding off to his left instantly. I followed. Not closely, but close enough to see where he was going.

He picked up a large, brown leaf from the floor of the old fashioned apartment and held it close to his face, studying it. His pupils enlarged as he latched onto the tiniest of details and patterns on the leafs surface, mouth hanging in an 'o' shape.

Placing the leaf on the desk, he pulled out a tiny, fold up magnifying glass that he often carried around for times like this. His face was utterly perfect as he squinted ever so slightly so he could get a clearer picture, his cheekbones making his sharp, distinguished face look confused for just a second before he broke out into a grin.

The smirk spread across his face like a dandelion in the wind, slowly getting wider and wider. He'd figured it out. This was his 'I'm so clever' face. Turning to face me, he strolled over, handing the dead piece of foliage to Lestrade on his way.

As he walked past, I'm sure he winked at me. The crinkles by his eyes showed for a split second before disappearing into a smooth expanse of skin.

I smiled back. "Well done." I congratulated, not even asking for an explanation. To be honest, I didn't really care. I didn't care about any of the cases. I only helped out because it meant I got to look at the mans beautiful face everyday, that was payment enough for me.

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