Do it.

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A bead of salty, sticky sweat ran down Sherlock's forehead. He breathed deeply, breath shaking as he did so. Sherlock was trapped. There was absolutely nothing he could do to get out of this situation.

Oh Moriarty was clever. He thought, but not with the usual pang of respect. Not with the impressed smirk that usually adorned his face. Instead, he swallowed the lump in his dry throat and went back to his raspy deep breathing and tried (and failed) to think of a solution to the problem he found himself in.

His arm ached from holding it outstretched with a gun for so long but he knew he had to keep it there. If not... If not there were consequences.

"I said I'd do it." Moriarty whispered in his ear. His tone made goosebumps appear on Sherlock's skin. "That first time we met." The Irishman moved across to the other ear. "Don't you remember Sherlock?" Sherlock didn't move. He was frozen to the spot, eyes locked with John's terrified ones.

There was silence for a moment before Moriarty spoke again, louder this time, loud enough for John to hear. "I said I'd 'burn the heart out of you'."

Sherlock broke eye contact with John to steal a quick glance at Moriarty who had begun to walk forward a little.

"Obviously you knew I didn't mean literally. I mean, I'm crazy but not that kind of crazy."

Sherlock saw the flicker of something red in his peripheral vision and looked down to see the red dot of a laser beam on his chest over his heart. He looked back up at Moriarty as if looking for an explanation.

Moriarty shrugged. "Oops." He said with a smirk plastered across his face. There was silence again as Moriarty watched the other two men stare at each other, sharing conversations with just a look.

You have to do it.

I can't do it, you know I can't.

Please. For me.

I can't. I'm sorry

"Sherrrrrlock!" Moriarty sang. Sherlock looked. "Do it." He whispered, mouth closed, teeth clenched.

Sherlock froze.

"You know the consequences. Do it."

Nothing happened.

"Do it!"


Sherlock fell back.


What had he done?

To be continued....

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