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(A/N this ones a little longer 😘)

Sherlock sat at the kitchen table, experiments pushed to one side as he typed frantically on his laptop. It was 6:30am and he had barely slept all night. He was tired, really tired but he couldn't do anything about it. Sleep just didn't come to him, and when it did it was anything but peaceful.

He hadn't eaten either. Not since breakfast yesterday morning. One slice of toast in two days. It didn't do him any good. He should probably have something now, but he didn't want to wake up John. At least that's what he told himself. But the truth was he couldn't eat. He was just sick.

John had noticed his lack of sleep over the past month or two due to the dark circles under his eyes and the fact that his mind was noticeably slower especially when he was trying to work things out. And he had heard him. In the middle of the night. Screaming, thrashing, crying.

They hadn't had a case for three days which Sherlock was secretly glad about. He didn't think John had realised luckily. He wasn't shooting any walls or going stir-crazy but he had started smoking again.

Sherlock heard the creak of the stairs, meaning that John was awake and on his way down. He took a big swig of his coffee, willing the caffeine to hurry up and kick in as he stood to put the kettle on for John's morning tea.

"Morning." John greeted him with a small smile and a nod of the head. Very formal considering the circumstances. "Sleep well?" He asked after Sherlock smiled back in return.

"Yes. Very well." He lied. "You?" Sherlock picked up his mug and held it to his face as he began to drink.

"Yes. Good. I woke up in the middle of the night though, I heard a strange noise." John told him. He had heard Sherlock, screaming but he wasn't going to tell him that.

Sherlock tensed. Did John know? Did he wake him? Oh god he hoped not.

The kettle clicked, breaking the silence. John made himself a cup of tea as Sherlock sat back down by his laptop. "So, any cases?" He asked, taking the seat opposite him.

"Hmm? Oh no, no I don't think so."

John nodded in response, the silence filling the air. It's never normally like this. There's always something to say or do. This was just awkward, John knowing about Sherlock's nightmares and Sherlock hoping that he didn't.

John was unsure of wether to bring it up or not. He was pretty sure Sherlock knew he knew but he wasn't certain.

"I heard you again last night."

Sherlock's head shot up to look at him. Shit, shouldn't have said it, stupid John, always ruining things. Oh well, it was too late now.

"What?" He said, seemingly confused but he knew what John was saying.

"You were screaming in your sleep. Thrashing about. Like you were having a nightmare." Sherlock looked panicked.

"Don't be ridiculous." He said looking down at his laptop again and typing. Maybe he could pretend.

"It's okay... Not to be okay, Sherlock"

He reached his hand out across the table, not touching Sherlock's, just resting there in between them.

Sherlock looked up, into John's eyes. He looked sympathetic and worried while sherlock just looked blank.

"Don't be ridiculous," he said again but quieter, less confident, "I'm fine." John didn't believe him.

He waited for a minute to see if Sherlock would open up to him. But he barely moved.

John sighed, frustrated with him, stood up and began to walk away. Just as he reached the door, Sherlock spoke.

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