Happy Aniversairy?

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(A/N I've been trying for ages to get this right and it's still not great but here it is to celebrate 200 reads! Thank you all!!! 😘)

12th June.

John and Sherlock's year anniversary.

It had been one whole year since that spontaneous kiss in the kitchen and the subsequent relationship that followed almost immediately.

John had made dinner reservations for them both at a nice restaurant for the evening, though he hadn't told Sherlock, he was keeping it as a surprise.

Well it would definitely be a surprise as it seemed that Sherlock had forgotten. Unsurprising to be honest, he'd probably deleted it because it was irrelevant.

But John still felt hurt. I mean, how many days did he have to remember? Not many, and Sherlock remembered everything! Especially if it was about John! So how had he forgot?

John decided not to say anything, as much as he was angry with Sherlock, he didn't want to embarrass him or make him feel uncomfortable, or stupid. He knew Sherlock well enough to know that sort of thing offended him.

"Are you okay?" Sherlock asked with concern noticeable in his voice. John realised he had been starring at him with a frown on his face as he thought.

"Hm? Oh yeah. Yeah fine." He gave his partner a small closed mouth smile. "You?"

Sherlock didn't reply, just nodded his head really slowly and turned to face forwards in his seat.

John sighed and stood, rubbing his face as he made his way to the kitchen to make some tea.

"John?" Sherlock said as he left. When he didn't get a reply he stood and followed after him. "John?" He repeated from the doorway, this time with a bit more urgency.

"Do you want some tea?" He asked, ignoring the detectives attempts to question him.

"John what's wrong? What have I done this time?" He asked, but he sounded caring like he really meant it, not sarcastic at all. He felt a bit bad that Sherlock knew he'd done something, was it really that obvious?

"Nothing, Sherlock. Everything's fine." He replied as he felt a hand reach out and touch his shoulder. John turned round to face the detective, making an effort to smile so as not to make him suspicious.

Sherlock looked skeptical but nodded anyway. He knew that whatever it was John obviously didn't want to say anything, so he let it slide so as not to annoy him.


They spent the rest of the day doing nothing in particular. John had cancelled his dinner reservations, Sherlock didn't take any cases, they just lounged around together, drinking cups of tea.

John thought that maybe he had remembered, but just didn't find it necessary to say so, but still, he was sure Sherlock would have at least mentioned it. It had been bugging him all day and although originally he had planned not to bring it up, he couldn't bear not knowing.

"Sherl-" he began but was abruptly cut of by Sherlock as he stood and walked over to where his coat hung up.

"-Get your coat John, we're going out."

John sighed as he stood up, so curious about where they were off to that he had forgotten what he was going to say.

"And where exactly are we going?" He asked, raising a quizzical eyebrow as he took his Barbour off the hook.

"For dinner. What do you fancy? Italian?" Sherlock answered, slipping into his navy blue coat.

"What? Dinner?" John stopped, confusion etched onto his face.

"Yes. Surely you didn't think I had forgotten that today is our one-year anniversary?"

So he had known! Wait, then why had he kept so quiet?

"No, of course I didn't." He lied. "I just wondered why you hadn't mentioned it at all today."

Sherlock took a step closer to John. "Because I didn't want to ruin the surprise of dinner."

A huge grin worked its way on to his face as he leant down and kissed his forehead before grabbing his hand and and practically pulling him out the door and down the stairs.

"Mrs Hudson, John and I are going out." He said as they passed her door, not stopping to listen for her reply.

Sherlock hailed a taxi and soon they were stood outside a restaurant called 'bellisimo'.

When they went in it became apparent that Sherlock had already booked a table there and he had even ordered a bottle of Champagne for their table.

"This is lovely." John said as he took is parters hand from across the table.

Sherlock smiled at him clearly happy that John liked what he had done for him.

Oh how John loved that smile. He could spend all day looking at it, and even longer kissing it. He couldn't help but think how lucky he was to be with such a wonderful man like Sherlock.

After the pair had eaten their meals Sherlock took John's hand again.

"John, there is something I need to ask you." Anyone else would have said he sounded very confident but John could hear the nervousness in his voice.

"Sure, ask away." He reassured him, giving his hand the slightest squeeze.

Sherlock took a deep breath and looked down at the table as he began.

"John, you know me, I'm not a very nice man I be around, and I think most of Britain could vouch for that. But for some reason, no matter how rude I am to you or how badly I treat you, you always stick around. I don't know what I've done to deserve you, frankly I don't think I really do, but you will never know how grateful I am that you chose me. And I will never forget how lucky I am to be able to call you my partner."

He let go of The other mans hand abruptly and John instantly mourned the loss of his touch. He watched Sherlock reach into the breast pocket of his jacket and his heart rate sped up immensely as he pulled out a small black box. Oh my God, was this really happening?!

"But, if it's okay with you," he continued, looking up at John through his lashes as he slowly opened the box, "I'd like to be able to call you my husband."

John's hand flew to his mouth as he felt a blush creeping up his neck.

"Oh God Sherlock, of course that's okay with me! In fact it's more than okay!" He was grinning to the point where his face began to hurt and Sherlock was doing the same, his eyes teary as he pulled the golden ring out and placed it on his fiancés finger.

John admired the band for a while. It was just a plain gold ring, but John loved it, it didn't draw attention to itself but it was obvious that it was there.

Just as he looked up he saw Sherlock take a second box out of his pocket and hand it to him. It contained an identical ring just a tiny bit smaller than John's. He took it out and slid it onto Sherlock's finger, kissing him as he did so.

John had never been happier in his life than he was at this moment. He was marring his best friend, his flatmate and the man he loved all in one, what could be better?

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