2041- 2060 Excited

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Chapter 2041 Encountering a crisis 8

  It was only three feet away, but it took Su Luo three full minutes to finally move to Sister Wei.

  She was on her knees, putting her fingers on Sister Wei's wrist, carefully helping her get her pulse.

  Fortunately, although the breath is weak, she still barely breathes. As long as she breathes, Su Luo can bring her back to life.

  Su Luo didn't have any other skills, but he didn't have a lot of life-saving pills.

  However, no medicine can compare to Su Luo's blood.

  At this moment, Su Luo was not stingy at all, slashing the wrist with a dagger, and the blood rolled down like raindrops.

  Su Luo opened the chapped lips of Sister Wei, and the red and sweet blood dripped in continuously.

  At the same time, Su Luo's other hand condensed spiritual power, guiding the blood into Sister Wei's body, and it quickly thickened to produce medicinal effects at the maximum speed.

  When Su Luo was so tired and panting, Sister Wei finally sucked up the injured part.

  The wound on the wrist had already condensed on its own, and the hideous wound began to scab.

  Su Luo fed Sister Wei again to eat an imperial blood clotting pill, and finally checked the condition of Sister Wei. After seeing that her body began to improve, Su Luo slowly moved to her original position.

  Seeing his position, Su Luo's eyes were almost straight!


  She didn't notice one thing until now!

  In this dilapidated and gloomy cave, she unexpectedly had a bedding, and that bed of brocade...Su Luo was very familiar with it.

  Because she was too shocked, Su Luo was stunned on the spot, and then she rushed up in surprise, without frowning even if there was severe pain in her body.

  Su Luo grasped the quilt and looked carefully from the beginning to the end with the faint moonlight.

  Because she was too excited, she grabbed Jinquilt's fingers and almost tore Jinquilt.

  She remembered that when she was in Su Mansion, she was covering this brocade quilt.

  Whether it's texture, color, or workmanship... it's all exactly the same.

  What exactly is going on? How could the brocade quilt she used in Su Mansion suddenly appear here? You know this is Purgatory City, Genius Training Camp, Warcraft Zone!

  Su Luo thought of those warm and slender arms, that familiar chest, and a name was about to come out.

  Nangong Liuyun? !

  Is it really him? !

  But if it is him, why should she leave her alone, why not wait for her to wake up and leave?

  Su Luo moved around excitedly for a while, and she couldn't sit still at all at this time.


  Su Luo stepped on a hard object under his feet.

  "What is it?" Su Luo bent over and picked it up.

  "Communication Jue." Su Luo lost the communication Jue to the brocade, but the next moment, her eyes brightened!

  She still has the newsletter in her hand, so what happened to the one on the brocade?

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