2741-2760 Digging Treasure

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Chapter 2741 Points 4

  know! Falling Shadow must know it!

  Otherwise Thirteen can't get close to him! I still remember that when everyone was teased by the god jade scepter by the stream, Falling Ying once said that if you can successfully challenge the god jade scepter, then I will not only not kill you, but also protect you.

  Thinking of this, Yao Jia's whole body seemed to be struck by lightning, and he was stunned on the spot!

  Falling Shadow knows!

  He knew that thirteen was Su Luo, and Su Luo was thirteen! In other words, he and Su Luo had been in the dark a long time ago! How can he be worthy of me! ! !

  The facts are too cruel, and Yaojia's grief flows upstream.

  "Master Yaojia? Master Yaojia?" The captain saw that Yaojia was about to suffocate herself, so he shook her quickly.

  Yao Jia stared at the captain with a pair of eyes, his eyes gleaming with astonishment.

  The captain was horrified.

  However, before the captain could react, Yao Jia's eyes turned to Su Luo, staring at Su Luo!

  At this time, Su Luo was clearly on the road of counterattack.

  The scepter of god jade, the green mysterious liquid, is definitely the nemesis of the spirit guard.

  It can be said that wherever the green mysterious liquid goes, Lingwei is like a tarot card.

  Lingwei is not stupid, they will not stand and let Su Luo spray.

  Seeing Su Luo coming, the strong and burly spirit guards broke through the sky with a sharp cry of "Ah", and then they ran away without a trace.

  So that Su Luo held the treasure in his hand, but had no spirit guard to kill.

  As the saying goes, the mountains do not turn, since Lingwei ran away when she saw her, then she went to grab the blame!

  Su Luo has a good memory, especially when it comes to holding grudges.

  Carrying the divine jade scepter, she came towards the encircling circle where the thorns were located!

  In the encirclement of the spine, there were more than a dozen ordinary spirit guards, all of which were brought back by the people in black, waiting to let Master Yao Jia collect points.

  But Su Luo rushed in without saying a word, carrying the divine jade scepter.

  "I'm shooting!"

  "I'm spraying!" Where the

  god jade scepter passed, all the spirit guards directly turned into hard sculptures, and they couldn't avoid it at all.

  "Swish swish--" A ray of aura flew towards Su Luo's forehead.

  Su Luo's forehead was originally the most common level. Soon he began to climb upwards, and steadily reached the second level.

  On the other hand, Yaojia and the others are only at the second level, and everyone is at the same level.

  At first, the sly black man was frightened by Su Luo's direct and rude means, and then they realized that they wanted to move Su Luo.

  However, the Scepter of God Jade is not a vegetarian!

  He convulsed and humans couldn't stop it.

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