Twenty eight

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Jaden and Josh had both left so it was just me and Avani.

"Mackenzie what happened." Avani said disappointed.

"He kissed me and I let it happen." I said about to cry because I knew Josh would never forgive me.

"But it's not like you knew it was gonna happen, right?" Avani said trying to make the situation better.

"No I didn't but still and what about Charli?" I started crying. Avani hugged me.

"It will be okay." Avani assured me.

|Avanis POV|

Kenzie has been crying for two hours. I decided to text Josh to see how he was and what he was doing.

Kinda hurt but
Kenz didn't kiss him
Like yeah they kissed
But Jadens the one who
Kissed her
But she kissed back
It's not like they made
Out... it was a quick kiss
idc they kissed
Omg Josh you better get
Over here right now and
Talk to Kenz.
fine be there in 5

"Josh is coming over." I said.

"What?" Mackenzie said sitting up on the couch fixing her hair. I just nodded. A couple minutes later there was a knock on the door and I got up to open it. We walked back to the living room and sat down.

"Hi guys." I said starting conversation but no responded. "Ok nah I'm not doing this Mackenzie say your side of what happened." I rolled my eyes.

"I was just talking to Jaden and he kissed me that's basically it." Kenzie said looking at me.

"I know that your suppose to be talking to Josh." I said standing up and leaving the room.

|Kenzies POV|

Once Avani left it was silent for like 3 minutes until Josh finally said something.

"Why did you accuse me of cheating then you kissed Jaden." Josh said scooting closer to me.

"Vinnie sent me a text and told me you cheated... I didn't believe him, I even blocked him after." I admitted looking Josh in the eyes.

"Okay so what about Jaden?" Josh said in a gentle tone, making me feel more comfortable.

"I was talking to him about how uncomfortable I was with Vinnie earlier, and how I was so comfortable taking to Jaden, then he kissed me." My attention went away from Josh and I was now looking at my hands.

"So Jaden fucked up?!" Josh said loudly. I didn't say anything I just sat there.

|Time Jump|
(Monday. I have no clue what day it was before.)

Kenzie ootd^^

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Kenzie ootd^^

"Your gonna get dress coded." Josh said smiling as I walked out of the bathroom.

"Good." I said sarcastically walking over to him and giving him a hug.

"Are we picking up Avani?" Josh asked as he put his sweatshirt on and grabbed his keys off the nightstand

"Yeah... have you talked to Jaden yet?" I asked putting on some bracelets.

"I'm still pissed at him, so no." Josh responded kinda mean.

"Josh he's your bestfriend, just talk to him." I said rolling my eyes.

"Kenzie best friends don't kiss your girlfriend." Josh said walking out of the room. I rolled my eyes once again and followed him out to the car.

"have you told Charli yet?" Josh asked quietly starting the car. I shook my head and looked down.

|at school|

"So Josh is mad at Jaden still and Charli doesn't know about what happened yet?" Avani asked as we walked to her locker.

"Yep" I responded. As we were walking to class I felt someone put their arm around me.

"Can you stop touching me." I said once I realized it was Vinnie.

"Did you break up with the cheater?" Vinnie asked and me and Avani stopped walking.

"Josh didn't cheat. And seriously take your arm off of me." Vinnie body moved closer to mine and I became more nervous, I looked at Avani for help.

"Vinnie let go of her, it's not funny." Avani added but Vinnie just laughed.

"Dude what's your problem let go of her." Jaden said appearing out of nowhere. He pushed Vinnie pretty hard off of me. Vinnie laughed and walked away.

"Thank you Jaden." I said giving him a hug, and of course Josh walked by.

"Josh-" I said letting go of Jaden.

"Kenzie I don't really care" josh said not looking at any of us.

"You all need to honestly grow up. Josh, Jaden literally just got Vinnie to stop touching Kenz so she hugged him and was thanking him. I get that they kissed or whatever but really Josh.." Avani said then the bell rang and we went to class.

"Move." I said rolling my eyes because Vinnie was sitting in my seat and I was not in the mood for this.

"I'm good." Vinnie responded trying to sound like me. I just turned around and went to a different seat.  The class was long and boring and at the end we have 10 minutes to socialize but I just stayed at my desk and put my head down.


Everyone was silent for the first few minutes of lunch so I decided to say something.

"if nobody's gonna talk there's no point in eating together." I said taking a sip of my water.

"Well Kenz what do you want to talk about." Josh said with attitude.

"I'm going outside." I said picking up my lunch and walking away. I sat outside alone for like five minutes then I saw Charli.

"Hey Kenz. Where is everyone." Charli asked giving me a hug.

"They are all inside. But Charli I need to tell you something." I paused and Charli sat down.

"What?" Charli asked looking confused.

"The other day Jaden, he um he kissed me." I managed to get out. Charlis face turned red.

"Oh." That's all she said then she stood up and walked away.

(lol so it's been a minute, sorry I haven't updated in a while but I'll try to post two chapters today)

What a Catch: A Josh Richards storyWhere stories live. Discover now