♥︎twenry nine♥︎

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After Charli left I was kinda mad nobody came outside to sit with me so I went back in.

"I told Charli." I said quietly sitting down. Jaden looked up at me.

"What?" Jaden said and his voice was a little shaky.

"What did she say?" Avani asked

"She just said 'oh' then walked away." I said looking down.

"She probably hates me now just like Josh." Jaden said standing up. Josh said nothing.

"Jaden I'm sorry." I said still not looking at anyone. Jaden walked away.

"You did the right thing." Josh said grabbing my hand, then the bell rang and we went to our next class.

|End of the day|

"Kenz" I heard a voice say behind me so I turned around.

"Oh hey." I said looking at Charli

"Why did he kiss you?" She asked looking away and fidgeting with her fingers.

"It was really nothing, I was just talking to him about  Vinnie. Please don't be mad at him" I said trying to look Charli in the eyes. She just nodded and walked away.

Avani walked over to me looking at Charli.

"What happened?" Avani questioned as we started walking outside.

"She just asked about the kiss." I said

"Ok and is she mad, does she hate you or Jaden?" Avani said stopping in the middle of the hallway.

"I honestly can't tell." I admitted pulling Avanis arm so we would start walking again.

"Me you and her should get coffee and just talk." Avani said pulling out her phone, I nodded and walked to the car.

"Charli said she would come." Avani said as we were sitting in the schools parking lot.

"Right now? Like am I driving all three of us." I asked and Avani nodded. A few minutes later Charli got in the car.

"Hey." Avani said looking back at Charli and Charli smiled. We decided to go to Dunkin and we order the coffee and went to a park.

"Wait how did Josh get home?" Avani asked laying out a blanket.

"I honestly don't know, he said he had a ride though." I shrugged.

"Charli? Are you ok?" Avani asked looking back and fourth between me and Charli.

"Im fine." Charli said talking a drink of her coffee. I felt bad, I decided to call Jaden.

"What are you doing." Avani asked as the phone rang.

"We're just gonna ask Jaden some questions." I said putting my phone in the middle of us three.

(J= Jaden Jr= josh Richards. C=Charli A=Avani
K = Kenzie)

J- hello?
K- Hey
J- what's up?
K- I'm here with Avani and Char and we have some questions.
J- ok..
K- Wait can Josh be added to the call, hold on.
J- just press the add button
K-Ok he's joining.
Jr- hey.
A- we need to figure things out. Jaden why'd you kiss Kenz
J- I don't know, it just happened.
C- how did it just happen?
J- I don't know.
A- Josh do you hate Jaden for this?
C- I'm sorry but Avani sounds like paparazzi or something.
Jr- I don't hate him, I'm just mad.
K- But the kiss literally meant nothing to either of us.
Jr- that doesn't matter he still kissed you.
A- ok um Charli do you hate Jaden or Kenzie.
C- no it's like the same as Josh. I'm just mad. It's like I thought Jaden liked me.
J-Charli I do like you.
C- so why would you kiss her.
J- can we all please just talk in person?
K- Ok um let's meet at my house in like an hour.

~end of call~

"Well I guess we should head to my house." I said grabbing my bag and standing up.


"I'm hungry." Avani said as we walked through the door. Me and Charli looked at eachother and laughed. About 20 minutes later Jaden and Josh showed up.

"So Jaden, you wanted to talk in person so here we are." Charli said in a rude tone and was giving Jaden a really strange look.

"I know. Ok so a couple months ago I admit I did like Mackenzie, and Avani knew. But then Me and Charli started getting closer and I caught feelings for her." Jaden paused.

"What does this have to do with the kiss?" Josh asked leaning back further into the couch, Jaden rolled his eyes.

"So the other day when Kenz was talking to ME about these things, I don't know I panicked I guess. I didn't know if what I felt for Kenz at the time was gone. But trust me once I kissed her I realized they were." Jaden looked down.

"I think I should kiss Josh." Charli randomly said. Everyone gave her a weird look.

"Charli we aren't 5th graders." I said getting kinda defensive.

"That might be the dumbest thing ever." Avani said standing up. "And honestly this whole thing is dumb. I hate just being here, in the middle of it all I'm leaving." Avanis voice was shaky, and as she walked towards the door I heard her sniffle.

"Avanis right. This is dumb." Josh said throwing his hands up in the air.

"Okay Josh then fix the problem." Charli said sitting up a little bit. Josh stood up and walked over to Charli, he leaned down and pecked her on the lips.

"I-" I looked at Jaden speechless. I went upstairs to my room.

"Kenzie..." I heard Joshes voice and I didn't respond. "See it hurts right."

"Really Josh? Ha you intentionally kissed Charli... that's basically cheating. So yeah it does hurt." I said not looking at him.

"Kenz that's not what I was trying to d-"

"I don't care josh because you did, can you please just leave and tell Charli and Jaden to leave to please." I interrupted Joshes sentence. He did as I said and walked out of the room.

What a Catch: A Josh Richards storyWhere stories live. Discover now