Just Another Day At The Shore

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Andrea's POV
Out of nowhere, this asshole punches Nicole in the face, making her fall.

And I snapped.

I threw my drink in his face and punched the hell out of him.

Then, all the guys grabbed him.

I ran over to Nicole and saw her on the floor crying while holding her face, I crouched down to her. I could hear a bunch of yelling.

"Did you seriously just hit a girl?!" I heard Alex yell.

Jenni, Sam and I were trying to get her to stand up.

Eventually, we got her to stand up and we took her to the bathroom.

Sam was cleaning her mouth while I was trying to wipe the blood off her hand.

"Who the fuck hits a girl like that?!" Nicole cried. I hugged her.

I was so pissed off. How could a man punch a woman in the face?

"Please 'cause I can't even feel my lip." Nicole says.

"No, just relax. No need to talk, you're fine." Sam told her.

"I missed the whole thing, I'm so sorry." Sam says.

"Oh my god!" Nicole sobbed.

"It's alright, Nicole." I said, comforting her.

"Please don't tell me I have missing teeth, please don't tell me I have missing teeth." She cried.

"No, no, no, you're fine." Sam replied.

Then, Vinny came in to check on her.

"You're alright. Where's the blood coming from?" He asked

"Her mouth." We replied.

We checked her mouth and she had a little cut in gums.

"You're alright. There's a little cut right there and that's it." Vinny says to her.

"It's in my fucking gum." Nicole says.

"That kid is never gonna be able to fucking walk this earth again because he's known for punching a girl in the face. Okay?" He said. She nodded.

"Nicole, you need to wash your mouth out." I told her. She walked over to the sink. I held her hair back while rinsed her mouth.

"The cops are gonna talk to you." Vinny says before leaving the bathroom.

"I'm right here. I'm not leaving you." Jenni told her.

"Me either." I said.

After a little while, the three of us went outside so that the medical examiner could check Nicole's mouth.

"When you get back to your room, you could stick them in the freezer. Put it back on, wait about twenty minutes in between and you shouldn't have any swelling or anything." The examiner said as he gave the ice packs to Jenni. Nicole nodded before we started to walk back to the house.


We made it back to the house and Nicole immediately went to her bed.

"She doesn't want to talk to anyone. Her mouth is pretty fucked up." Jenni says.

I looked down at my hand, it was hurting and I noticed it was red.

"Damn it." I mumbled as I walked into the kitchen. I got some ice for my hand.

"What happened to you?" Alex asked.

"My hand hurts from punching that guy." I replied. Alex looked at it.

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