The Great Depression

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Andrea's POV
The girls and I were chilling in our room, when Ron walked in.

"What'd she say to you guys?" Ron asked. We just shrugged.

"She's coming back?" He asked.

"Not to our knowledge, no." Jenni replied.

"I think she kind of feels like you do all this stuff to her, and then she just stays." Deena told him.

"Yeah... As a woman, I'd probably leave too." Jen said

"Same." I said, not looking at him.

"I would have. Girls are different than guys." Deena added.

"Yeah. That's what we're looking at it as, like a woman." Jenni said.

"I fucked up, huh?" Ron asked.

"For her to have that big of a decision to leave like that, yeah." Jenni answered.

"I feel like I destroyed the relationship." Ron replied.

"You did," I told him. The girls' eyes widened at my bluntness.

"Did you want the relationship?" Jen asked. Ron nodded.

"Don't give me dirty looks, Snook." Ron told her. He said something else before leaving the room.

"Well then..." I said awkwardly.


I was laying in bed and playing with Jenni's dogs when Snooks and Deena ran in. They hid under their beds.

"What are you two doing?" I asked, laughing. Those two were always up to something.

"We pranked the boys, they're gonna get us." Deena replied.

A couple minutes later, Pauly and Vinny walked in. Vinny had a bag in his hand.

"Where are they at?" Pauly asked.

"I don't know. But they're not in here." I said, lying. I held back my laugh as Bella — Jenni's dog — licked me on my cheek. Vinny put the bag under Deena's pillow.

"Don't tell them." Vinny told me.

"My lips are sealed." I replied with a smirk. They walked out of the room. Immediately, Deena comes from under the bed. She takes the bag and walks out the room and into the boys' room. I laughed.


"Andi, have you seen my crocodily?" Nicole asked as I walked out of the bathroom.

"Wasn't it on your bed?" I asked her.

"Yeah, but it's not there anymore." She replied before going to look for it. I smiled when I realized that Vinny probably took it. I went out and sat on the couch. Jenni came out and laid her head on my lap. Nicole went upstairs to look for her stuffed animal.

"Who hung croc?" Nicole asked, coming downstairs with crocodily in her arms.

"Whose face did you throw cake in?" Vin teased.

"Vinny!" She exclaimed.

"How'd you know it was up there?" He asked.

"Mike." She replied.

"What the hell is wrong with this kid? Why would he blow me up?" Vinny asked.

"I don't know." Pauly replied.

"Mike, family meeting!" Jenni shouted. Not even a second later, Mike came downstairs.

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