Ch. 7 - Back to Square One

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MY SISTER, CAMPBELL, always told me that being normal is boring

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MY SISTER, CAMPBELL, always told me that being normal is boring.

But I think being normal is awesome.

I don't have to worry about bullies or people looking at me like I'm a disaster waiting to happen.

Being gay has a lot of challenges. Many people will accept you, but others will judge you and make you hate yourself.

But being normal makes everybody love you.

Especially if you are on the ice hockey team.

That's right.

I got in.

And so did Damien.

Practice starts Monday, and right now it's Saturday. I was laying on the couch watching a comedy show.

Max was spinning around, trying to catch his tail, in front of me. My uncle already left for work, so it was just me.

My phone rang beside me, and I picked it up to see Lucy calling me. I paused my movie before answering it.

"Hello?" I asked, putting the device up to my ear.

"What are you doing today?" She asked me, eagerly.

"Laying on my couch binging New Girl," I replied as Max climbed up on the couch.

"You have great taste, I see," she told me before adding,"How would you feel about getting the gang together and hanging out?"

"Sure. Who's place?"

"Is yours okay?"

"Yep. My uncle is out working and he won't be home till late," I replied, standing up from the couch.

"Awesome. I'll text it in the group chat, and I'll see you around five?"

I nodded even though she couldn't see me. "Sounds great."

The phone call ended, and not even a minute later, my phone started blowing up with group chat texts.

Avengers ❤️ :

Lucy: Is everybody down to hangout at Micheal's place around five tonight?

Andrea: Sure. Just send me the address. I'll bring snacks.

Matthew: I'm down for the count. Also how do you work a vinyl record machine because I'm at my grandmother's house, and she wants music now. I do not want to upset her.

Lucy: Use YouTube. Damien?

Damien: I'm going.

For some reason, I smiled at his answer even though it was only two words.

What is going on with me?

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