Chapter five

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Chris Walker, why him, why. I prayed he wouldn't recognize me but to my horror, he did.

"Are you okay?" He said, so softly

"I'm fine" I answered dryly

"You don't look fine" He told me, taking a step closer to me.

"Well, you are just imagining things"

"I don't think I am" He said, closing the gap between us and taking away my sunglasses. I quickly turned away.

He was so close now I could feel him breathe, our noses almost touching, I pulled away.

"What are you doing?"

"I'm leaving"

"I can see that, but what I don't understand is why"

"Because I can't do this Chris, I can't be another one of the girls that falls at your feet." He stayed quiet as I walked away. But then, he grabbed my hand and pulled me back towards him, putting his arm around my waist and getting closer to me than last time, this time, our noses touched. I tried to ignore my heart pounding on my chest, and again I turned away. He was keeping a steady grip on me, but somehow I still managed to get out of his arms and I ran away as fast as I could. 

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