Chapter fifteen Emma

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He picked me up at school that day, and I was so excited, I said good morning and he said good morning back, but he was being so cold to me, which made me even more confused than I already was, I thought about what to say, because what were we? So after thinking about it I asked

"So what are we?" I looked at him with a puzzling look "we have been dating and kissing and we are probably the talk of the school, so what is it?"

I was disappointed with his answer, I had actually started to believe that he maybe could actually like me, but now I was sure he didn't, he was a player, he didn't want to be seen with me around school, of course, the same Chris who he has always been, egotistical and full of himself. When we arrived at school I stepped out of the car even before he could notice me and walked away. I was mad and disappointed and sad, why would I feel sad if I never liked him in the first place? Or maybe I had, just for a second? No, I just felt sad that he was missing out on me.

I didn't understand him, he called me princess, picked me up, took me out on a date, he had kissed me. Not the other way around, and now suddenly I'm out good enough for him. He really did surprise me, every time.

I met with my friends as always and told them everything, from the date to the drive, and they felt like me. I figured that thinking about that wasn't going to help me and it was just going tu stress me out even more. So I started thinking about prom, it was coming up in a few weeks and I was so excited, I asked my friends who they were going with, even though it was obvious they were going with their boyfriends: Olivia said Joe had asked her, Grace said Ethan has asked her and Ella said Ford had asked her, so I was the only one without a date. Fantastic. Just absolutely fantastic.

I kept thinking about Chris, and I went to school extra early the next day to avoid going with him, if he even showed up. I walked to school at 7:00 even thought classes started at 8:00 and when I arrived it was already 7:35. I walked in and as it was ver earl I didn't expect anybody there, but to my surprise there was someone there: Charlie.

"Hey Charlie!" I said

"Emma! I was hoping to see you here"

"Yeah? Well I'm here so, what's up?"

"I wanted to ask you something, it's okay if you say no, but answer honestly" he looked nervous, I couldn't make out what he wanted to ask me, it couldn't be something of research like he always did, because if that was the case he wouldn't be so nervous. It was something more personal, but what?
Even though I thought about what he was going to say and partially was right, I hadn't expected what he said next.

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