Chapter eighteen

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I saw him walking up to me on the swings, I was happy to see him, but he would know I was crying because of him, he always knew when to show up. I felt safe with him, and happy. I realized that I wanted him, and that's why I cried, because he didn't want me. I turned my head so he wouldn't see me crying, even though I was pretty sure he already had.

"Go away" I said, I was trying to hold the tears back but it was apparent that I was crying.

"No. I won't go away. Would you just listen to me?" He said, he had a clam voice, but I could sense that he was sad and angry. What I didn't see is if he was angry with me.

I told him everything I was thinking, that I was mad at him, I was mad because I finally found my person and they just didn't love me back. Love. Was that what was happening? Did I love him? I was denying I liked him, because I didn't, I loved him. And I had just met him, and we had just kissed a few times, but I did, I loved Chris freakin' Walker. After I had finished screaming and crying, he held me in his arms, and it felt right. Even though I needed him there, I pulled away

"No. You can't hug me and expect everything to be okay. No" I sad crying even more by then, and it hurt.

I don't think you are a jerk or a player, I care about you and I want you to hold me in your arms, I love you too. Is what I wanted to say, but he had already walked away, and I ran after him, I needed to tell him that I loved him back, that I felt the same way he did.

"Chris! Wait" I kept calling, but he just ignored me and kept walking

"Chris! I-" I almost reached him, I almost told him I loved him too, I almost avoided it.


I ran to her and screamed

"Emma! Emma! Emma c'mon!" But she didn't wake up. I immediately called nine one-one and told them to come as fast as possible to take her to a hospital. Someone came running and asked if she was okay, and before long I was surrounded by people whispering and calling people, some were even filming while I waited for the ambulance to come pick her up, it seemed like ages when they finally came. They took her away and I went in the ambulance with her, I didn't have his parents number so I didn't know how to contact them, when they took her through some door si couldn't go through I went to her house, hoping to find her parents there, only to find that they were at work. I asked the neighbors for their numbers but they didn't have them. So I just ran back to the hospital and hoped that I could see her.

They told me she was in room 109 and I saw her there, they explained to me that she was in a coma, that if she didn't wake up in six weeks; the probability of her waking up would be lower... by a lot. I wasn't going to give up on her, and the six weeks hadn't passed yet, she could still wake up.

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