Chapter nine

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He pulled me in, it was the same spot where we had almost kissed. When I was in his reach, he put his arm around me.

"Smith, it seems like you've been avoiding me" He whispered in my ear

"Yeah, take a hint dumbass" I answered, pissed. I was trying to pull away, but this time, he wouldn't let me.

"Woah, Smith. You know I like you, why the though act?"

"We both know that's not true Chris"

"Why do you think that? I've been flirting with you all year, and you've noticed."

"You only do that because I'm the only girl you actually have to work to get, that doesn't just say yes to anything you tell them. And it's staying that way."

"Maybe that's what I like about you" He answered, smiling.

"You think you do, but deep down you know I'm right." I tried again to get out of his arms, but he had a tight grip, determined to not let me escape. "Let me go Chris"

"No, I'm not letting you go this time. You know you felt it too. Why are you denying this? Avoiding me? Ignoring me? Ignoring this" He said pointing to the two of us.

"Because you just want me to be another one of your girls, and I can't have that. I can't be that" I caught him off guard and could get out of his arms, I didn't know what to do, what else could I do? But run.

He wouldn't have it, he chased me and grabbed my arm, pulling me towards him again.

"What do you want Chris?" I said

"I want you"

He kissed me. Hard. It seemed like ages when he finally pulled away.

"Crap" I whispered under my breath, he heard me and kissed me again. I couldn't bring myself to pull away.

But as soon as he stopped, I ran, and this time, he let me go.

I got into my car as fast as possible, and I had so many more questions in my head that I couldn't answer. I didn't understand. Something had happened and I had to tell my friends. I was worried of how they would react if I told them. I had kissed him back, and I didn't know how to stop myself from thinking about it, about him. Would they tell me to be with him? To pull away? Keep ignoring him? Maybe make him jelaous? If I went out with another guy maybe he would stop chasing me. But the thing is, I kinda liked it. Being chased.

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