Chapter seven

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In the morning I was exhausted, I had baggy eyes and looked pale as hell. But make up kinda fixed it, I went to school with something nice on, for my friends, and tried to look as happy as I can having slept three hours. As I was driving to school, it's a miracle I didn't crash de car, I was basically the walking dead.

I arrived, finally, and met with my friends at the entrance of my Madison High, and on the way in, one by one they met with their boyfriends and I was left all alone.

I went to Homeroom and, just like every other day, there was Mr. Williams. I thought, well, he can't make my day any worse.

I was wrong.

"Miss Smith"

"Good Morning Mr. Williams" I said as cheery as posible

"That skirt violates the dress code" He said "You will go to the lost and found and change it immediately. Oh and here's your ticket, this better be the last time this happens Miss Smith. You have to be careful." he finished off. Ugh he annoyed me so much, but I couldn't say anything back. So I just said

"Oh, I'm so sorry Mr. Williams. I'll change it right away" Just by saying that, I had to summon all the strenght I had, and when I left the clasroom, I said "UGHHHH" and walked away with the most annoyed face I could do.

When I reached the lost and found, I prayed there would be something nice i could put on that would match my top, but of course, there wasn't. I just found a pair of fis. ed. shorts, that looked like they would fit Mr. Williams, they looked very disgusting. I had to put them on sadly, because it was the most decent pair of clothing there was in this dump. So many clothes, yet all of them were disgusting as hell. I don't even knos how they manage that, and it was a whole pile too. No one came to look for their stuff, the only time people went there was for dress code, and if you were lucky, you'd be able to find something you lost. That wasn't my case. That's never my case.

I thought the day would never end, but thank God it did. I was making my way to the parking lot, through the footbal field. And because I was so embarassed to walk through it with those awful shorts, I walked through the bleachers. As fast as mi legs could take me. I couldn't get out of there fast enough.

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