Chapter eight

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It seemed like history had repeated itself. That night was even worse, I went to sleep at 5:00 am. I didn't even bother going to school, and it's not like my parents cared. So I just turned off my alarm and slept until 1:00. I finally got enough hours of sleep and had enough energy to go for a run, clear my head. I never run, I needed it, with all that was going on, I even told myself it was time to tell my bff's about Chris, but at the end, I couldn't. I felt like they would be dissapointed in me, and right now, I couldn't handle another messed up thing in my life. They were the only thing that was keeping me steady in all this mess.

I didn't go to school for the next few days, I needed time. In school things were just making me more stressed out: Mr. Williams, having to avoid Chris, suffering in classes because I was so distracted with every thing else that was going on in my mind.

The next week I decided to go to school, even if I wasn't in the mood I realized that if I keep missing classes I'd have a lot more to catch up on, so I forced myself to go.

When school finished, I had a pile of stuff I had to catch up on, and since I was trying to avoid the reality, I just threw myself into that, school. I didn't leave my room all day, and suprisingly, I finished all the work I had to catch up on and the work we had for today in that day. I even had some extra time to study.

The next day at school, some teachers were surprised to see I had finished the work so quickly. On the other hand, Mr. Williams was disappointed, he was counting on me to hand in my work late so that he would have an excuse to punish me. It felt like for once, since the beginning of the year, I had the power.

That small action made my day better at school. I was going to my car and the bleachers route was becoming usual by now, when suddenly, I felt a hand on my arm. 

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