Chapter ten

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OH. MY. GOD. It didn't happen. It didn't happen. It didn't happen. Nothing happened. Right? Absolutely nothing. Of course, it didn't, why would something have happened? I don't like him, he's egotistic and manipulative. Right? He's not as sweet as he sounded that day. No. I refuse to admit that. He's probably thinking of ways to break my heart, or embarrass me in front of everyone. Well, KEEP MOVING CHRIS! YOU ARE NOT GETTING TEARS FROM ME! You know why? BECAUSE I FEEL NOTHING FOR YOU! JUST WATCH ME BREAK YOU! I. Felt. Nothing.

The next morning, I was surprisingly not that bad, considering it was the second time Chris put me through this crap, I see that it was no longer affecting me that much.

Olivia picked me up in her sick car and we drove to school. We listened to Maroon 5 the whole way there, that's our music. As we arrived, Chris and his friends arrived too, in his no – roof pickup truck, or whatever that sad excuse of a car was called. In my opinion, it was a really disgusting truck, but he was the one in it, so that may have been what made it so gross.

He jumped down and came over

"Morning Smith" he said

"Bye Chris" I said, with a sarcastic smile. I was hoping to get rid of him, but he was insistent. Very insistent. He grabbed my hand and pulled me towards him, a little too closely.

"You aren't running away this time" He whispered, and then he kissed me. In front of everyone. Great, that's exactly what I needed, gossip and fake rumors about... whatever us was. That's not even the worst part, the worst part, is that I didn't even have the decency to pull away, in fact, I kissed him back, and I didn't at least try to stop rumors from spreading.

What was I supposed to do? Huh? I definitely don't know. It's the third time he's put me in this weird spot. Do I like him? Does he like me? Because something was happening, I just have no idea what.

I had to talk to him, about what was happening, he couldn't just go around kissing me, people would start to think we're dating.

So as soon as I saw him again in school I dragged him to the football field, beneath the bleachers.

He kissed me and said "What's wrong Smith?" Like he was my boyfriend or something.

"Listen to me Chris, and you better listen well. It was just a kiss, okay? It means nothing, you should know that better than anyone, right? You know, out of experience. Well, you can't go around kissing me in front of everyone okay? You are making a big deal out of absolutely nothing. So, stop it." I have never held my breath for that long, and as soon as I finished, I gasped for breath

"Here we go again, you are always like this. Why can't you just let me in? You know you like me, if everything you said was true, you would have pulled away when I kissed you. But you didn't did you?" He responded, and he kissed me, once again, and he did not stop. Let me tell you we stayed under those bleachers for some time, and the only thing that got cleared up is that I was not getting rid of him any time soon.

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