Two Hearts II ~ HyunLix

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Felix looked at the clock next to his bed and groaned. It was 1:32am. He had now been lying awake for over an hour, and he wasn't any closer to sleep than he'd been when he first got into bed.

Hyunjin had had his shower first tonight, saying he wanted an early night. Felix had been as quick as he could after that, but when he returned to the bedroom after having a shower and putting on his pyjamas, he could already hear soft snores coming from the top bunk.

Swallowing his disappointment, he had flopped into bed, not caring that his plushies fell to the floor. This was not how today should have been ending.

He'd woken up with a burning fire in his heart, instantly remembering what Hyunjin had whispered the night before: I love you. Of course, little did the older know that Felix had actually been awake at that moment; if he had known, there was a good chance those three little words would never have escaped his lips.

Felix also remembered the promise he'd made to himself before going to sleep: that he'd confess his feelings to Hyunjin today. Excitement exploding in his chest, he turned around, ready to do it then and there.

But the excitement fizzled in an instant when he realised Hyunjin was no longer in his bed. He reached out and caressed the space where Hyunjin had been lying, but the sheet was cold. There was no longer any sign that the older had been there at all. His heart suddenly felt as cold as the bed had become, and he shivered, fighting back tears.

Felix sighed deeply, reminding himself that Hyunjin had been there last night, and had whispered his love against the younger's skin. He'd obviously just returned to his own bed early this morning, as he'd done in the past, not wanting anyone to find them sleeping together.

His heartbeat calming down again, Felix decided to talk to Hyunjin as soon as the moment presented itself.

But fate was against him. It turned out to be very difficult getting any time alone with Hyunjin that day; and on the few occasions when he did, they were always interrupted before he'd had a chance to utter those three little words.

And so it was that bedtime had come around, and he still hadn't found an opportunity to talk to Hyunjin. He'd thought that once they'd both got ready for bed, they could sit and talk for a while, as they sometimes did.

But then Hyunjin went and fell asleep while Felix was in the bathroom. He suppressed another groan just thinking about it - it was all so frustrating! And now he couldn't sleep because of it.

Felix had slept so peacefully last night, wrapped up in Hyunjin's embrace. He yearned for that warmth and comfort right now, and the distance between the two boys had never felt greater.

Before he knew it, Felix had pulled back the covers and swung his legs over the side of the bed, his feet touching the floor. He stood up quickly and walked to the ladder, not even stopping to enjoy the feel of the soft carpet between his toes, as he usually did.

His heart seemed to have taken control, and was acting like a strong magnet, pulling him inexorably towards what he desired. In a matter of seconds, he found himself at the top of the ladder, and he paused briefly to gaze at the sleeping form before him.

Satisfied that Hyunjin was still asleep, the younger carefully climbed up onto the top bunk and crawled slowly over to where Hyunjin's head was lying on the pillow. His blonde, gossamer hair was spread out around his head, making it look like he had a halo. Felix slid silently under the covers next to Hyunjin and lay his head on the pillow, only a centimetre away from the older's.

Being this close to Hyunjin made Felix's heart sing, but it wasn't enough. He could still feel the invisible force pulling him forwards, towards the older. There was only one thing left that he could do.

Ever so slowly, battling against every fibre of his being that was telling him to hurry, Felix started undoing the buttons on Hyunjin's pyjama top. Once he'd undone them all, he resisted the urge to run his hands all over Hyunjin's abs, and started unbuttoning his own pyjama top instead.

When he was finished, he shuffled forward slightly so that their bare chests were touching. He let out a shaky breath as an immense calm overtook him. Wrapping his arm around Hyunjin's waist, he let his head sink into the pillow and gazed with awe at the angelic being in front of him, memorising every detail of his perfect face.

"I love you," he whispered, unable to stop himself.

Suddenly, Hyunjin's eyes fluttered open. After a second, they opened wide, as he registered the presence of Felix's face right in front of him. But then they relaxed again, and a soft smile made its way onto his perfect lips. The two boys gazed into each other's eyes as the stars wheeled overhead. There was no need for words, their eyes conveying a whole conversation between them.

After an eternity had passed, Hyunjin reached out and tucked some stray hair behind Felix's ear. Running his thumb across the younger's cheekbone, he murmured, "Baby...", and then leant forwards, connecting their lips.

The kiss was everything Felix had ever dreamed of. It started out light as a feather and smooth as silk, but soon became as passionate as a summer storm, both boys pouring their hearts and souls into it. A raging fire ignited where their hearts were pressed together, and soon it was running like quiksilver through their whole bodies.

The kiss went on for so long without a pause that Felix felt a burning sensation start in his lungs, and a desperate need for oxygen. As he started pulling away, though, Hyunjin breathed fresh air into him, allowing him to stay for a bit longer.

Eventually, they both ran out of air, so they reluctantly separated - just far enough to breathe. Neither of them wanted to leave the other just yet, so their foreheads stayed connected. As Felix's breathing slowed, his eyelids suddenly felt very heavy. He battled to keep them open, but it was a battle he couldn't win.

Hyunjin, seeing that the younger was nearly asleep, gazed at him adoringly, a smile softening his whole face. He kissed Felix's eyelids delicately, then cupped his cheek, whispering, "Sweet dreams, Baby ... I love you."

The corners of Felix's mouth curved upwards, and he murmured, "Love you too, Jinnie." Then Hyunjin closed his eyes and let his mind drift off to dreamland.

So in the end, the day finished as it should have, after all: two lovestruck boys sleeping peacefully together. They were lying so close, it was impossible to tell where one ended and the other began. Heads leaning on each other, hands entwined between them, legs tangled together. And two hearts, beating as one.

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