Waiting For You ~ MinSung

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"Goodnight, Stay!"

Minho smiled brightly into the camera as he reached forward and turned off Vlive. That live had been long overdue, and his heart was now full from the interactions with his loyal fans.

Sitting back on his bed, though, he suddenly realised how tired he was. He glanced at the clock on his bedside table and decided there was time for a quick shower before he fell into bed. So he gathered his pyjamas and headed to the bathroom.

Ten minutes later he was back, feeling fresher and more relaxed. But just as he was climbing into bed, his stomach rumbled loudly. Sighing, he got up again and made his way out to the kitchen for a snack.

As he stood staring into the pantry waiting for inspiration to strike, he heard what sounded like snoring coming from somewhere nearby. Perplexed, he looked around him. No one here, he thought, then mentally face-palmed. What did he expect? That someone would be sleeping in a cupboard???

Rolling his eyes at his stupidity, he wandered out of the kitchen into the loungeroom. The snoring was definitely coming from in here. As he came around to the front of the big lounge, he stopped and stared, a soft smile appearing on his face.

Jisung was lying on his side, his head resting on one arm. His phone was propped up on the table, replaying Minho's live from earlier. He had his Airpods in his ears, but his eyes were closed, and judging from the loudness of his snores, he was deep in slumber.

"Oh, Hannie," murmured Minho.

He paused the live, gently took out the Airpods, and sat down on the floor in front of the younger boy. For a minute, all he could do was gaze wonderingly at Jisung's face, looking so angelic as he slept. He traced over every inch with his eyes, hoping to memorise it for future contemplation.

When he'd finished, he gently brushed some strands of hair off Jisung's forehead before whispering, "I love you" into the stillness of the night.

At that point, his heart was so full, he was moved to do something he'd never dared to do before. He kissed Jisung delicately on the lips.

It was just a peck; the contact only lasted a second. But as he was pulling away, Jisung's arm shot out and grabbed the back of his neck, pulling him back in to continue the kiss.

Minho was more than shocked. He also felt a little guilty, having been caught doing something that he'd wanted to be secret. But who was he to deny Jisung what he obviously strongly desired? The boy's happiness was, after all, his greatest concern.

So Minho let go of his doubts and kissed Jisung with all his heart and soul. After a while, the younger pulled away, and his arm fell back down onto the lounge. His eyes were still closed, but now a lopsided smile appeared on his face, and he murmured, "Mmm, MinMin..."

Minho waited, but no other words emerged. Jisung's eyes remained closed, and he looked like he was still asleep. The older furrowed his brow, confusion written all over his face. Was Jisung asleep the whole time? he wondered.

As he was staring at Jisung trying to figure out this perplexing puzzle, the younger slowly opened his eyes. Seeing Minho's face in front of him, he grinned and said, "Hyung, you came!"

At this sudden turn of events, Minho decided to just act as if nothing had happened. He smiled at Jisung, then stood up. When Jisung sat up, Minho sat down beside him, asking, "Hannie, why are you sleeping out here? Why aren't you in bed?"

Jisung glanced at his phone on the table and saw that the live had been paused. Slowly connecting the dots in his mind, he looked at Minho sadly and said, "I was waiting for you. I thought you'd come out at the end of your live, but you didn't. So I just waited..."

He looked down, sadness lining his features.

Feeling really bad for the boy, especially since he was the cause of his sadness, Minho enveloped Jisung in a gentle hug, rubbing his back to soothe him.

"I'm sorry I took so long to come out, Hannie - I didn't know you were waiting."

Jisung melted into the hug, surprised to realise that for once Minho was genuinely sorry.

After a minute, they pulled apart, and Minho said, "Come on, let's go to bed now, it's quite late."

Jisung pouted at that. "But hyung ... you only just got here!"

The older smiled softly at him. "I meant, let's go to my bed."

With a grin, Jisung launched himself at Minho and hugged him tightly. "You're the best, hyung!"

Minho scoffed, saying, "Okay, okay, that's enough!"

A few short minutes later, the two boys were cuddled up together in Minho's bed.



"Did you mean what you said earlier?"

Minho's mind slammed into panic mode. Had Jisung heard his whispered confession?? Had he been awake the whole time after all?? Concentrating on keeping his breathing calm, he opted for his usual tsundere approach.

"Mmm? What did I say?"

"Don't you remember? You whispered, 'I love you'..."

Oh. He did hear. Ohgodohgodohgod! WHAT DO I DO NOWWW???

"I'm pretty sure I've never said that in my entire life. I think your ears need a good clean!"

Minho mentally high-fived himself. But then Jisung rolled over so his back was facing Minho, and the older heard some soft sniffles. Oh no...

"Hannie? I- I'm sorry. I didn't mean... I shouldn't tease you. Please forgive me."

Jisung stopped sniffling and half turned around.

"So does that mean...?" he asked hesitantly.

Minho sighed. Reluctantly, he said, "Yes, Hannie. I did mean what I said."

At that, Jisung turned around the rest of the way, a wide grin on his face, and pulled Minho into a big hug. When he let go, he looked at his hyung hopefully.

"Say it again?"

This time, there was no reluctance from Minho. With a big smile, he cupped Jisung's cheeks and gazed adoringly into his eyes.

"I love you, Han Jisung."

Jisung's eyes sparkled as he gazed back.

"I love you too, Lee Minho."

They leaned in and shared a long, heartfelt kiss, then lay their heads down on the pillow, closing their eyes.

"So ... are we boyfriends now?"

Minho chuckled and ruffled the younger's hair.

"Yes, Hannie. Yes, we are."

And with that, they both finally fell asleep, hearts full and souls soaring.

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