No Holding Back ~ MinSung

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It was late at night when the members all piled through the front door of the dorm. They'd just finished a long day shooting the Thunderous MV, and every one of them was bone-tired.

Jisung and Minho were the last ones through the door. Unlike the others, who wandered off to their respective bedrooms, the two boys didn't make it any further than the loungeroom.

Minho flopped unceremoniously onto the closest lounge, breathing a sigh of relief as his body went limp. Jisung dragged his weary feet the few extra steps to the other lounge, and then let gravity take over, falling face-first onto the soft cushions. The moment his body made contact, though, he let out a yell and clutched his lower back in agony.

Minho was up on his feet in a moment, his tiredness forgotten. "Hannie, what's wrong? Are you hurt?"

Jisung groaned and laboriously sat up, his face twisted into a grimace. "My back..." he said through gritted teeth. "I must've done something to it while we were filming."

Minho rubbed Jisung's lower back gently, a concerned look on his face, but he stopped as the younger gasped in pain.

"Hmm, this won't do," Minho said. "Lie down on your stomach and I'll give you a massage. Be careful, though!" he added quickly, as Jisung started to lie down, his face scrunching up again.

Once the younger was in position, hissing softly from the pain, Minho pushed his t-shirt up to his armpits and put his hands on Jisung's back, ready to begin. The younger suddenly screamed, though, his back twitching violently.

"Argh, hyung - your hands are freezing!"

The older quickly removed his hands, saying, "Sorry, sorry!" Then he disappeared into the kitchen, and Jisung could hear water running in the sink for a minute. When Minho returned and placed his hands on the younger's back again, they radiated warmth. Jisung sighed contentedly and closed his eyes.

As Minho showed off his expert massaging skills, Jisung relaxed more and more, letting out the occasional moan. His hyung was so good at what he was doing that not only did it instantly soothe the pain, but it actually turned him on a bit as well.

The older moved his fingers so smoothly and deftly, they left a tingling trail wherever they touched. And when Minho suddenly switched to long, powerful strokes, digging deep into the muscles, an entirely different feeling started building up in Jisung's groin.

After a while, Minho finished massaging Jisung's back, and wanted to work on his shoulders, but the younger's t-shirt was in the way. He gently pulled the garment over Jisung's head and dropped it on the floor. Looking back at Jisung, he stared mesmerised at the younger's bare back for a long moment, tracing a finger down his spine.

"Hyung?" Jisung questioned, turning his head to peer at the older boy.

Breaking out of his trance, Minho blinked rapidly at Jisung. He opened his mouth to speak but no words came out. When their eyes met, he hurriedly looked away, mumbling an apology. He started to massage Jisung's shoulders, then, and the younger put his head back down on the cushion and sighed in contentment.

Minho was flustered, but it didn't last long. The rhythmic motion of his hands calmed him, and his thoughts soon wandered back to Jisung's perfect skin. Oh, how he wanted to kiss it and mark it, so everyone would know Jisung was his. But he had to restrain his urges since they were in a public place and someone could appear at any moment. He could give in to his desires later, when he was alone with Jisung, but for now he would act like nothing was amiss.

Concentrating on the job in hand, Minho kneaded the muscles in Jisung's shoulders and then moved onto his neck. While he was leaning forward to get the angle just right, his breath ghosted over the younger's ear.

Jisung shivered and moaned softly. Minho noticed a small smile appear on the younger's face. He breathed gently on Jisung's other ear, and then on the back of his neck, getting the same response each time.

Smiling to himself, Minho climbed off Jisung and asked him to roll onto his back. The younger did so, smiling as he realised the pain was gone.

"Thanks, hyung!"

"Hold on, I'm not finished yet."

The older straddled Jisung's waist and started massaging his shoulders again, gazing hungrily at his exposed abs as he did so.

Jisung noticed where his hyung's eyes were looking and grinned at him. He grabbed Minho's hands off his shoulders and placed them on his bare chest. The older looked at Jisung, shocked for a second, but then smiled widely and started running his hands all over the younger's abs.

Jisung moaned softly, biting his lip as he watched the older. His jeans were starting to feel a bit tight, and he wondered if Minho had noticed yet.

Unsatisfied with what his hands were currently doing, the older lunged forward and nibbled at Jisung's ear. He then started planting wet kisses down his neck and around his throat.

Jisung, meanwhile, was having a hard time containing himself. When Minho's lips touched his neck, he let out a long moan, unable to stop himself any longer. The vibrations travelled through Minho's lips and all the way down his body to the rapidly growing bulge in his trousers. In response, the older started kissing a trail down the centre of Jisung's torso, his hot breath setting the younger's skin on fire.

When Minho reached the waistband of Jisung's jeans, he paused, looking up at the younger boy. Staring directly into his eyes, Minho slowly licked his lips, while running a finger along the skin under the waistband.

"Hyung..." Jisung whined needily.

Minho, being the tease he was, simply winked, and then kissed his way slowly back up Jisung's torso til he reached his collar-bone. Then he peppered kisses all over Jisung's face, while the other boy buried his fingers in Minho's hair.

Jisung was longing to kiss Minho's heavenly lips, and was nearly bursting with desire at this point. Finally, finally, the older brought his lips in line with Jisung's, but stopped a hair's breadth away. As he gazed into the younger's clouded eyes, his tongue darted out and licked all the way around Jisung's lips.

Jisung froze in shock, and Minho took the opportunity to connect their lips in a slow, sensuous kiss, while grinding on Jisung's by now very prominant bulge.

Just when they were reaching the point-of-no-return in their activities, a sound was heard from one of the bedrooms. They hurriedly broke apart, Minho clambering off Jisung's lap to stand on the floor.

It seemed no one was going to emerge, but Minho didn't want to take any more chances. So he grabbed the younger's hand, pulling him to his feet and leading him down the hallway to Minho's bedroom. On the way, Jisung quickly pulled on his t-shirt, which he'd grabbed as he was standing up.

Pushing open the door, Minho pulled Jisung inside. Jeongin and Seungmin both looked up from where they were lying on their beds, confusion written on their faces.

Minho looked at them in exasperation. "We've got private things to discuss. So scram!"

Jeongin and Seungmin knew better than to argue with Minho, so they left the room without a word, exchanging knowing looks as they went.

Once they were gone, Minho locked the door, then pushed Jisung onto his bed and straddled him. "Finally," he breathed, before attacking the younger's lips once more. This time, there was no holding back.

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